Mysticism or spirituality? Heresies against Christianity.

The Role of the Fallen Mind in Crime

The prophetic meaning of Lermontov's drama

A.N. Scriabin – a composer or a religious mystic?

Magical features in Scriabin's musical work

On Scriabin's Religious-Philosophical Views

On the Content of Scriabin's Mystical and Creative Experience

Scriabin – the prophet of a new religious era

About the talent and natural abilities of a person

How the modern understanding of talent was formed

Is talent a natural ability?

On the Definition of True Talent

Talent in sports

Talent and morality

Creativity in the Philosophical Concept of N.A. Berdyaev

The Holy Fathers on Talent

On Natural and Spiritual Creativity

Talent and skill

Talent as the ability to resist evil

On the modern need for talent

Section two. Reason and mysticism. Science and mysticism. Technology and mysticism