Mysticism or spirituality? Heresies against Christianity.

Priest Vladimir Sokolov's book addresses one of the most significant problems of the modern world – the relationship between culture and Christianity.

The author convincingly shows that the only true source of culture is God. Therefore, religion and culture are much more closely interrelated than is commonly believed.

Among church people one can hear the opinion that culture develops according to its own laws, independent of religion. However, this is a dangerous misconception. Culture, being the spiritual sphere, is nourished from the higher sphere, the sphere of the spirit. And the question of what kind of spirit it feeds on is the main question in the evaluation of its phenomena.

Today's man, "inclined to sin," considers himself the only source of culture. He does not want to hear about his sinfulness, his vices. But this is not a reason to reject culture, it is a reason to study it. This is what the author does on the example of the work of Pushkin, Lermontov, Tyutchev, Scriabin and other outstanding figures.

UDC 271.2

BBK 86.372

ISBN 978-5-89101-247-9

© Danilov Stavropegial Monastery, compilation, design, layout, 2012

© Sokolov Vladimir, priest, 2012



Christianity and the New Religious Era

Sources of culture