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The Life and Exploits of Our Father Gregory Palamas, Archbishop of Thessalonica, Wonderworker, Who Shone in the Fourteenth Century. 104

The Life and Deeds of Our Venerable and God-bearing Father Niphon, Archbishop of Constantinople, Who Asceticized on the Holy Mount Athos in the Monastery of Dionysius in the Fifteenth Century 119

The Short Life and Exploits of Our Venerable and God-bearing Father Nektarios, Who Asceticized in the XV Century on the Holy Mount Athos, in the Skete of the Karyes, in the Cell of the Archangels, called Igaria 140

The Martyrdom of the Holy New Martyrs Gabriel and Kirmidol, who performed their feat in Egypt in 1522. 145

The Life and Deeds of Our Venerable and God-bearing Father Hierotheos. 147

A remarkable story about the miracle performed by St. George, and about the Saracen who had a vision in his temple. 154

The Spiritually Useful Narration of Abba Elpidius. 158

The wondrous word of the philosopher Theodore Prodromus about how the honorable chains of the holy Chief Apostle Peter were transferred to Constantinople from ancient Rome. 162

The Martyrdom of the Holy Martyr George, who suffered in New Ephesus in 1801. 172

The Life of Our Venerable and God-bearing Father Theona, Archbishop of Thessalonica and Ktitor of the Monastery of St. Anastasia the Healer. 176

The Life and Deeds of Our Father Leontius, Patriarch of Jerusalem, Who Shone in the Twelfth Century

 The birthplace of our venerable and God-bearing father Leontius was a city called by all Strumnitsa (formerly it was called Tiberiapolis). He was born of rich and pious parents and, reborn in Divine Baptism, was named Leo. When the monk grew up, he was sent to school to study the sacred alphabet. Reading the lives of the saints, he strongly desired to renounce the world and become a monk in order to work for the Lord. When his father died, he left his homeland and, coming to a small village, found there a certain pious priest, a friend of his father. Knowing Leo well and loving the youth for his virtue, he received him in his house. Seeing the holy icons in the priest's house, Leo approached them and began to converse with them as with the living, asking them to arrange his path and lead him to salvation.

 Then he went to bed to rest from the toils of the journey. Waking up at night, Lev took a small icon on which the Lord was depicted in the form of a child, and, unnoticed by anyone, went to the mountain. Placing the icon before him, he knelt down and began to pray: "Show me, O Lord, the way in which I shall go, for to Thee I lift up my soul" (Psalm 142:8). Plant me in Thy holy mountain, in Thy ready dwelling. Cover me with the shelter of Thy wings, for behold, I have departed, running, and I do not know where I dwell, but in Thee I trusted in my mother's womb, forsake me not to the end." Praying these and other words and conversing with the holy icon as if it were alive, he stood there until evening, having tasted nothing. And when it was dark, and he wanted to sleep, he gathered up a great number of thorns, and lay naked on top of him. The thorns bit into the delicate body, which began to bleed, which caused him great pain. Suffering without food, and during sleep lying naked on thorns and shedding warm tears, Leo spent three days in this way. Then he came down from the mountain and came to the priest's house. After saying goodbye to him, he went to Constantinople without a single obol or piece of bread.