Archimandrite Ambrose Yurasov - On Faith and Salvation. FAQ. - 2008

100. As long as he did not go to church, he did not think about anything, he lived more or less calmly. But he began to walk, and trouble began in his soul. What is this? Maybe the demons are tormenting me? How to resist them?

101. The Holy Fathers advise us not to trust our hearts, and we consider conscience to be the voice of God in our souls. How can we distinguish between the voice of God and the voice of a sinful heart?

102. If a person in earthly life is happy and rich, prosperous, does this mean that he is a great sinner and will certainly be in hell?

103. How to Spend the Day of God's Way?

104. You want to have time to do a lot, but there is not enough time. How to choose the right thing for the soul, for its salvation. What to read?

105. What should you do if you can't improve?

106. What is "spiritual almsgiving"?

107. Did God say that people should be monks? To build monasteries?

108. Who are the monks in the world?

109. With the acceptance of monasticism, a person abandons his free will. By whose will does he begin to live - according to the will of his confessor?

110. Is a monk a weakness or a strength of spirit?

111. What should one do to become a nun?

112. Is it pleasing to God if a person goes to a monastery against the will of his parents?

113. They say, "Everything is the will of God." But is it God's will that babies perish?

114. How can one learn to be a courageous spirit?

115. I often murmur against Eve because she sinned. If it were not for her sin, life would be different, I would live better

116. You often say that there is a respite for believers now. Does this mean that there will be persecution again?

117. I know a woman: she often goes to church, prays, fasts, but it is very difficult to talk to her, because she is angry and irritated. Why does a person have such a condition?

118. Why does it happen that after church the grace acquired there very soon leaves the soul?

119. A person feels sick during the service—why is that?

120. It is said that the cross is idolatry, that Christ Himself was not baptized, that He did not make the sign of the cross on Himself