Archimandrite Ambrose Yurasov - On Faith and Salvation. FAQ. - 2008

128. Condemnation of other people is a sin. But what if there are so many evil people around who want to destroy us? Is it possible to denounce them?

129. At the present time there are very many people who are suffering, tormented, and in despair. What are they doing?

130. How to change your state - I am in terrible anguish. Outwardly, I live quietly, I go to church, repent, take communion. I don't want anything, I don't have the strength to force myself...

131. What to do if there is no time to go to church?

132. I stand at the service and do not understand anything, perhaps because the service is in Church Slavonic?

133. We know that some of the clergy propose to make the Liturgy simpler and more modern. What is your attitude to this?

134. The husband left and went missing. The son was sentenced to be shot. How can we thank the Lord here?

135. Explain what is happening to my friend: her son died, he was not baptized. Every night, at the hour of his death, she wakes up.

136. How to take away sins?

137. How much detail should one talk about one's sins at confession?

138. I am an elderly man, my memory is weak, I cannot remember all my sins. How can I repent?

139. Is it necessary to repent of a sin in confession if I know that it will happen again?

140. There are more or less grave sins. Are the punishments for them in hell also different?

141. Can an evil spirit repent?

142. Why do I sometimes not feel lightness after confession?

143. Is it necessary to confess to one priest?

144. Is it permissible to take communion after general confession? There is no private confession in our church, the Lord sees our intention to repent in detail, but there is no such opportunity

145. How to acquire grace?

146. After morning or evening prayers there is not always a feeling of grace. Sometimes drowsiness interferes with prayer. How to avoid this?

147. How to Become Attentive in Prayer?

148. The Jesus Prayer does not work for me. What do you advise?