Archimandrite Ambrose Yurasov - On Faith and Salvation. FAQ. - 2008

9. How will God judge the universe?

10. Will there be life on earth after the Second Coming?

11. What is the meaning of the words "the image and likeness of God"?

12. What is the difference between our Orthodox faith and the Catholic faith?

13. Catholics, Muslims, and Orthodox Christians all say that their faith is true. Who to believe?

14. Are baptisms and funeral services performed in the Catholic Church recognized as valid?

15. Are there saints in the Catholic Church?

16. Pentecostals believe their faith is right because the Holy Spirit comes upon them and they begin to speak in different tongues. Why does the Holy Spirit descend on them, the non-Orthodox?

17. Please explain why people listen to Western preachers?

18. Why is our Church called militant? Many are tempted, thinking that we are literally at war, fighting with other religions and nationalities.

19. What is ecumenism?

20. Which churches, besides the Russian Orthodox, serve according to the old calendar?

21. How should we relate to the Church Abroad?

22. Why do Western countries live better financially than Russia?

23. I heard that Orthodox Byzantium was baptized with two fingers. Why are we baptized by three?

24. Many are now predicting the coming of Christ to earth, even giving exact dates. How should we treat this?

25. Why is it said that without the Church it is impossible to learn to believe in God correctly?

26. When there are a lot of people in church, I don't like it; Everyone is making noise, talking, walking back and forth, it's distracting. Perhaps it would be better if the church were individual. Is this possible?

27. When does a person's salvation take place?

28. Is it true that God created man only on earth? If so, who lives in the universe?

29. Why is one given more talent and another less?