Archimandrite Ambrose Yurasov - On Faith and Salvation. FAQ. - 2008

30. Is it better to read the Bible or the New Testament?

31. Is it permissible to ask the Lord for faith in people?

32. Why were first the prophets, then Christ, and then Orthodox Christians expelled for preaching goodness and peace? Why is the world so angry?

33. Why do some people have many passions while others have few?

34. What is the power of proskomedia?

35. Are all priests holy?

36. What is the advantage of Church Slavonic over Russian?

37. Why don't they use musical instruments in the church, for example, like the organ of the Catholics?

38. What is the meaning of the word "catechumens" when the deacon says, "Catechumens, depart"?

39. When the deacon calls out at the Liturgy: "Catechumens, bow your heads to the Lord," should all Christians bow their heads?

40. Why are candles extinguished during the reading of the Six Psalms?

41. What does censing mean during the service?

42. What do lit candles and lamps mean?

43. What does the Shroud of the Lord look like?

44. How do the saints help people: all at once or in turn?

45. Can a person not sin?

46. Who is more sinful, Adam or Eve? Man or woman?

47. In the "Old Testament" it is said that Lucifer "became proud of his power and strength and did not want to love God, to do the will of God, but wanted to become like God himself." What forces were controlling him at that moment; After all, there were no devils and demons then?

48. Cain, after his wickedness, met his wife. Where does it come from, since only Adam and Eve and their children are mentioned?

49. In the Old Testament the sons of men and the sons of God are mentioned (Gen. 6:2). Who are they, where did they come from?

50. What is "Abraham's bosom," and who goes there?