Hieromonk Isaac

Summing up what the Elder said on this topic, we can draw the following conclusion: he was convinced that "behind the back of the EEC lies the dictatorial regime of the Zionists. Such a cruel dictatorship could only be invented by the devil. The seal of the Antichrist is renunciation. Even a new identity card is already a renunciation. If they have the symbol of the devil on their identity card – the number 666129, and I put my signature on this card, then it means that I accept it. This renunciation – everything is very clear. By accepting the devil's symbol, you reject holy Baptism, you receive another seal, you reject the seal of Christ, and you receive the seal of the devil. The number 666 on banknotes is a different matter – "render unto Caesar's, Caesar's... »130. Another thing is the identity card, which is something personal.

Even if a person accepts the seal of the Antichrist out of unjustified ignorance or indifference, he also loses Divine Grace and accepts demonic influence."

Such, in a few words, was the position of the Elder. He spoke on this topic clearly, unequivocally and firmly – until his death. Now he guides and teaches people with his writings.

Fragrance from the holy relics

The Elder said: "Once, together with Hieromonk Paisius, we were walking along the path, and suddenly we both felt a strong fragrance. I realized that somewhere nearby were buried the relics of the holy ascetic. The next day I went to this place alone and noticed the exact place from which the fragrance came. I was going to dig up the grave and find these holy relics, but then, for good reason, I left them buried."

Hernia surgery

Once, when the Elder was stamping wooden icons on a pressing machine, he developed a hernia from overexertion. The inner lining of his abdomen was torn apart like a piece of cloth. Thus, this one was added to many of the Elder's crosses. However, he did not sit down either during the hours-long All-Night Vigils, to which he came to some monasteries, or when he received people. He usually received people standing up so that they would not linger for a long time. The elder did not agree to the requests of his acquaintances, doctors and spiritual children to go to the hospital for an operation. He only tried - with the help of simple folk remedies - to maintain his condition - so that he would not get worse.

Once, when the Elder left the Holy Mountain for Souroti, the doctor who had come there to meet him offered him his help:

- Geronda, what hurts you? If it is in my power, I will help you.

"I have a hernia," the Elder answered, "but I don't want to go for an operation. Let me have some sore. If something hurts you, if you suffer and don't ask God to ease your suffering, but ask Him for others, that's a big deal. In this case, God especially hears the prayer of the one who, suffering himself, asks Him to heal others."