
The chapter "A Trained Conscience" provides material for teaching a novice Jehovah's Witness the basic views of the OSB on blood. I would like the reader to have the opportunity to evaluate, by studying what material, Jehovah's Witnesses form their views on transfusions of blood and its components.

The chapter "Can We Figure It Out?" analyzes the publications of the OSB, which touch upon various aspects of the OSB doctrine of blood. Attempts are made to understand the intricacies of the OSB teaching. It is very difficult to do so, as ENVSEC itself is unwilling to do so.

The chapter "The Attitude of Jehovah's Witnesses to the OSB and Its Publications" is devoted to the analysis of the question of how Jehovah's Witnesses view the OSB, the Governing Corporation, and how they perceive any printed word from the Society's publications. Without knowing this, in my opinion, it is impossible to understand how and why a particular Jehovah's Witness acts in a particular situation, what guides him in his decisions.

In the chapter "Strong Recommendations of OSB," there is an extensive commentary on the insert "Are You Ready for a Test of Faith in the Event of Medical Intervention?"

The chapter "Legal Issues" is polemical. I would like the issues raised in it to receive comments from legal experts. The first issue relates to the patient's right to refuse the proposed type of treatment, who has the right to inform the patient about the diagnosis and the type of treatment to be undertaken. The second issue raised in this paragraph is that of the Society's inducement of its followers to suicide. In my opinion, this is true, if a patient has a diagnosis or condition, the only way to help him save his life is actions that include blood transfusion, then refusal to do so can only be called suicide.

The chapter "Educational Activities" is devoted to the activities of Jehovah's Witnesses in the field of promoting their "theological" views in the life of society.

The chapter "Perplexity" contains the testimony of professional doctors in favor of Jehovah's Witnesses. Their analysis is carried out.

The appendices contain material on a medical topic. Where possible, it provides information about the "bloodless" surgical methods mentioned by Jehovah's Witnesses. The above reviews give the reader the opportunity to understand in which areas of medicine these methods can be used, the reader can understand the limits of using these methods. In our opinion, this is very important, since the publications of the OSB do not provide data on the scope of applicability of "bloodless" methods, limitations and contraindications of their applicability. Usually, OSB publications contain only a known list of "bloodless" methods, and the reader gets the impression that these methods can be used under any circumstances. The medical text was somewhat adapted for the inexperienced reader, but the maximum adaptation was not carried out, and it is not possible. This should once again convince a potential patient that it is still necessary to go not for confrontation, but for contact with professional doctors, to listen to their competent opinion.

I think that the material of this work will be useful

• Jehovah's Witnesses who have questioned the truth of the doctrines taught by the OSB on behalf of God;

* people whose relatives or friends have come to Jehovah's Witnesses;

• Doctors who deal with blood transfusions, whose patients are Jehovah's Witnesses.

In the work, frequent, numerous, voluminous citations of sources were carried out. This is done on purpose, since you do not always have the original source in front of your eyes to make sure that the author's conclusions are correct or incorrect. Relatives of people who are included in the OSB do not have enough publications of the Society to draw any conclusions. You can also give practical advice to the relatives and friends of a person who has come to the hands of Jehovah's Witnesses: before you take any steps to free your loved one from the influence of OSB, read the book "How to Save Your Loved One from the Watchtower"9 and then the book [6]. D. Reed is a former elder of one of the communities of Jehovah's Witnesses, in his book he summarized all his experience, gave a huge number of tips for calling people out of the tenacious embrace of the OSB.

When quoting excerpts from the OSB literature, all the author's highlights in the text were preserved. I have made underlines so that the reader can pay special attention to these words of the text. In some quotations from OSB publications, references to the Bible will be found, the reader can see for himself the degree of their correspondence with the thoughts expressed by the anonymous authors of the OSB, and often the fact that these quotations are taken out of the context of a particular chapter of the Bible. The work contains quotations from OSB journals for various years, including those before 1989. It should be noted that these magazines are not in the Russian version. Quotations from magazines prior to 1989 are from English-language magazines, and the translation was not carried out by in-house translators of Jehovah's Witnesses. Many quotations were collected from various collections of quotes from various websites and publications about Jehovah's Witnesses. This state of affairs is due to the fact that Jehovah's Witnesses distribute most of their publications among their followers and people who sympathize with them. To be honest, it is hard to believe that Jehovah's Witnesses would allow a person writing a polemical article against them to rummage through the library of a congregation.