
Next, he is asked a number of questions:

"If you don't normally use medicine to maintain your health, what will you do to protect yourself from blood transfusions if you have an accident and are taken unconscious to the hospital?

What would you do to remain chaste if, for whatever reason, you ended up in the hospital and someone told you that without a blood transfusion you would die?

Would you immediately agree with the statement that your state of health is hopelessly bad?

Are you convinced that you need to give up blood?

Are you willing to face such a test of faith and 'abstain from blood'?"

After the questions posed, it is said that

"Strong conviction is the very first step to successfully resisting unwanted, spiritually defiling blood transfusions. Such conviction must be based on a clear understanding of what the Bible says about blood. Otherwise, at such a tense moment, it will be easier to intimidate you if someone claims to know more about the situation than you do. Will you get the false impression that doctors may know more about blood than God does? Of course, no matter what people tell you in such cases, you will want to 'strictly observe' and 'do what is right' in Jehovah's eyes."

From the foregoing, it is evident that "firm conviction" and "a clear understanding of what the Bible says about blood" is achieved by shaping the views of the followers of the OSB by its leaders on the basis of the Society's teaching on blood, which is presented in publications of dubious theological, scientific, and conscientious stature, and by exerting psychological pressure on their followers.

To the question: "But will you have to face this test alone?" the entire subsequent content of the insert answers the points that are present in it.

1. Hospital Information Service and Hospital Liaison Committees.

The promotion of the Society's teaching on blood is served by special organizations in its depths

"A religious organization has formed a Hospital Information Service. Hospital liaison committees were also formed in large cities. Each committee is made up of several elders who are specially trained in this work."

Further, the goals and objectives of these special services are reported.