A complete Orthodox prayer book. For every need

To the Blessed Commander, the Most Immaculate Virgin Mother of God, our Intercessor and the Unashamed Intercession of Christians, Who by the appearance of Her wondrous icon gave joy to the land of Russia and enlightened all the faithful children of the Church, we fervently offer thanksgiving to Thee, O Theotokos, and to Thy wondrous image, we speak with tenderness. Save, O Lady, and have mercy on Thy servants, who call: Rejoice, Mother of God, our zealous Intercessor and Intercessor.


To whom shall I cry, O Lady, to whom shall I run in my sorrow; to whom shall I bring my tears and sighs, if not to Thee, Queen of Heaven and earth: who shall pluck me out of the mire of sins and iniquities, if not Thee, O Mother of Life, Intercessor and Refuge of the human race? Hear my groaning, console me and have mercy on me in my sorrow, protect me in troubles and misfortunes, deliver me from bitterness and sorrows, and all kinds of infirmities and illnesses, from enemies visible and invisible, pacify the enmity of those who chill me, that I may be delivered from the slander and malice of men; Thou hast freed me from my abominable customs from my flesh. Hide me under the shadow of Thy mercy, that I may find peace and joy and purification from sins. To Thy Mother's intercession I entrust myself; Be to me, Mother, and hope, protection, and help, and intercession, joy and consolation, and the quick Helper in all things.

O wondrous Lady! Everyone flows to Thee, without Thy almighty help he does not depart; For this reason and I, who am unworthy, I run to Thee, that I may be delivered from sudden and cruel death, gnashing of teeth and eternal torment. And I shall be vouchsafed to receive the Heavenly Kingdom, and to Thee in the tenderness of my heart I shall be vouchsafed a river: Rejoice, Mother of God, our zealous Intercessor and Intercessor, unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer before the Vilna Icon, called "Hodegetria" (April 14 / 27)

O All-Merciful Lady, Queen Theotokos, chosen from all generations and blessed by all heavenly generations! Look mercifully upon these people standing before Thy holy icon, fervently praying to Thee, and do it through Thy intercession and intercession with Thy Son and our God, that no one may depart from this place of his hope and be put to shame in his hope, but let him receive from Thee all according to the good will of his heart, according to his need and need, for the salvation of the soul and for the health of the body.

Look upon Thy mercy, O All-Sung One, and the sight of Thy merciful intercession upon all our Russian country, our cities and this city, and the spiritual city that exists here, and pour out Thy rich mercies without fail. For Thou art the all-powerful Helper and Intercessor of all of us. Bow down to the prayers of all Thy servants who come here to Thy holy icon here, hear the sighs and voices with which Thy servants pray in this holy place. And if both a heterodox and a foreigner, passing here, pray, hear, O loving Lady, and do this with love and mercy, for his help and salvation. Instruct those who are hardened and scattered in our lands to the path of truth: convert those who have fallen away from the pious faith and partake of the holy Orthodox Catholic Church.

Grant then, O Good One, the fruitfulness of the land, the dissolution of the air, and all the gifts that are for our benefit, timely and useful, to the all-powerful

Through Thy intercession before the All-Holy Life-Giving Trinity, in Her temple Thou standest before us, helping us. Our fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, and all those who have fallen down before Thy holy icon from ancient times, give rest in the abodes of the saints, in a place of gold, in a place of rest, where there is no sorrow and sighing.


In front of the icon "Unexpected Joy" (December 9/22 and May 1/14)

Troparion, tone 4: