A complete Orthodox prayer book. For every need

Later, others approached me on this issue; And recently they even asked to bury a suicidal woman. I refused, according to the canons, the rule of Timothy of Alexandria, and because of the inner resistance of my soul; but remembering the instruction of Fr. Nektarios, as well as the instruction of Metropolitan Gregory of Novgorod and Petrograd, that it is permissible to pray for suicides in prayer at home, but even then, with a preliminary prayer for the mercy of us who pray, that we may not anger the Lord, I turned to the canon: "It is possible to find the canons for the departed in the Oktoechos on every Saturday"; But the canon written there was completely unsuitable for prayer for suicides, for it spoke of those who died "piously," "in faith," "in repose," and so on — all this did not fit voluntary, "not mad," suicides. Therefore, it was necessary to redo almost all the troparia.

Maybe it will be useful to someone...

And may the Lord have mercy on me for such boldness...

The Many-Sinful Metropolitan Veniamin (Fedchenkov)


(read privately and with the blessing of the spiritual father)

Ode 1


In the depths of the bed, sometimes the Pharaohite all-armies are armed with strength; but the incarnate Word consumed the all-evil sin: O most glorified Lord, glorious be thou glorified.

Give rest, O Lord, to the soul of Thy servant.

O All-Merciful Lord, have mercy on me according to Thy mercy, fly unto Thee and pray boldly for him who has been killed, that this may not be my judgment, nor my condemnation, O Most Righteous Judge.

Give rest, O Lord, to the soul of Thy departed servant.

Let not my prayer be for sin, as the meek David says: "Lower for the burden of the soul than he who has given himself over to death of his own will; but the martyr grant us the forgiveness of our sins by supplication.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.