A complete Orthodox prayer book. For every need

Ever exuding abundant mercy to all, O All-Good Christ God, and now grant mercy to Thy servant (name), who prays to Thee, and count with those who have reposed in piety, even if he died impiously in foolishness.

And now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Having strengthened my wavering mind, O Mother of God, strengthen me with the Divine commands of Him Who was born from Thy sanctified womb and abolished, O Lady, the dark kingdom of hell, with boldness and without condemnation pray for the departed (name).

Ode 3


Thou hast strengthened me upon the rock of faith, Thou hast enlarged my mouth against my enemies: for my spirit rejoices, when I sing: There is none holy, as our God, and none more righteous than Thee, O Lord.

Give rest, O Lord, to the soul of Thy departed servant.

Thy beauty is illumined by the radiance of the departed, in faith with the departed, rich in mercy; For Thou art our God, the One, sinless and abundantly merciful.

Give rest, O Lord, to the soul of Thy departed servant.

At the place of cooling in eternal rest, vouchsafe to receive Thy servant, who cut short his faint-hearted life: for Thou art the only Mighty One, and Thou didst receive our infirmities upon Thee, O Lord our God.

Glory to the Father and to the Son in the Holy Spirit.

In the heavenly palace, O Lord, receive Thy servant (the name of the rivers), so that he may not hear Thy righteous voice: "I do not know thee," if he is truly guilty of this.

And now I am ever unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Thou didst raise up those who had slain us, O Theotokos, Thou didst give birth to the life of the incorruptible Giver of Life; and raise Thy servant (name) out of hell, beseeching Thy Son for mercy.