Catechetical Teachings and Testament

Four chapters on the ascetic life;

Commentary on the ascetic rule of Basil the Great. (Ibid.).

The Five Books of Letters. (Two books containing 278 Letters were printed by Migne in his Patrology, and in Russian translation were published in St. Petersburg in 1867.

The Rite of the Studite Monastery; Rules on the confession of sins and penances. (Printed in the Patrology of Minya).

And finally, the Catechumens, or Monastic Teachings, and the Testament.

Two collections of these teachings have come down to us: the Great Collection of Teachings (ἡ Μεγάλη Κατηχητική), which consisted of 254 teachings, and the Small Collection (ἡ Μικρὰ Κατήχησις) of 135 teachings. The Hellenic Greek original of them remains unpublished to this day, with the exception of four sermons printed by Minius in Hellenic Greek. The rest of the teachings of Pr. Theodore are known only from translations: Latin (in the Patrology of Migna) and Modern Greek, published in Venice in 1770.

The ninety-five teachings and testament of Pr. Theodore the Studite was translated from Modern Greek into Slavonic by the famous elder, archimandrite of the Moldavian German Monastery, Paisius Velichkovsky [4]. These same ninety-five sermons are now published in Russian translation; under which the translators, in the absence of a Hellenic Greek original, adhered to the Modern Greek translation, which was accepted in the East, in Greek monasteries, for general use. The Modern Greek translation was carefully compared with the Slavonic translation of Elder Paisius; but we used the Latin translation cautiously, in a few cases where the modern Greek translation seemed to us obscure and not entirely satisfactory. The testament of Pr. Theodore and those teachings that Minya published in the Hellenic Greek original, (according to our edition the 13th, 57th, 69th and 95th) were translated from this original by us.

In the Slavonic translation, at the beginning of the book, before the first sermon, it is said: "The catechumens are read after the dismissal of Matins, at the end of the first hour, after the prayer is sung: O true Christ. The troparion of the saint is also sung: O Teacher of Orthodoxy. The same: To the Chosen Voivode, and dismissal. The honors begin on the 15th of November, which is the first day of the holy forty days of the Nativity of Christ."

And before the seventy-fourth sermon it is said: "At the beginning of the indiction, the catechesis of honor begins for every day, until the Honorable and Life-Giving Cross, except for the feast of the Mother of God. As for the Precious Cross, until November 14, every week. And having been completed before the Holy Testament, the book begins on the 15th of November."

По сему чину поучения Пр. Феодора читаются в Афонских монастырях и до сего дня.

Прилагаемое к нашему изданию изображение Пр. Феодора Студита, заимствовано из издания: Восток Христианский. Виды и очерки к путешествиям А. Порфирия. Петербург. 1857 г.

Память Пр. Феодора Студита празднуется св. Церковью 11-го Ноября.

Оптина Пустынь. Января 19-го дня 1872 года.

ПОУЧЕНИЕ 1-е. О том, чтобы со страхом Божиим, а не по страсти какой-либо проходить свои послушания уставщику, пономарю и попечителю о больных