An Offering to Modern Monasticism

My soul lived long (Ps. 119. 6).


I am in a deep swamp, and there is nothing to stand on; I have entered into the depths of the waters, and their swift current draws me away. I am faint with crying, my throat is withered, my eyes are weary from waiting for God (Ps. 68. 3, 4).


The enemy pursues my soul, has trampled my life into the ground, has forced me to dwell in darkness (Ps. 142. 3).


I poured out like water; all my bones are scattered; My heart became like wax, melted in the midst of my inward parts. My strength has dried up like a potsherd; my tongue cleaveth to my throat, and Thou hast brought me down to the dust of death (Ps. 21. 15, 16).


The torments of death have seized me, and the streams of iniquity have terrified me (Ps. 17. 5, 6).


… my spirit is discouraged within me, my heart is dumb within me (Ps. 142. 4).


Ladder. Homily 26, ch. 14.


Consider the path for thy foot, and let all thy ways be firm. Do not deviate to the right or to the left; remove thy foot from evil [for the Lord watches over the right ways, and the left ones are corrupted. 4. 26–29).


Church Statute, ch. 35.


Ladder. Homily 1, ch. 18 and 19, according to the translation into Russian in 1851.


Ibid., ch. 9.


Ladder. Homily 4, chs. 3 and 5.