2 O God, our ears have heard, and our fathers have made known to us the work which Thou hast done in their days, in the days of old. 3 Thy hand consume tongues, and I planted them, Thou didst make men angry, and I drove them out. 4 For thou didst not inherit the earth with thy sword, nor save them with their arm, but thy right hand, and thy arm, and the illumination of thy countenance, for thou didst delight in them. 5 Thou art my King and my God, commanding the salvation of Jacob. 6 In Thee our enemies have made horns, and in Thy name we shall despise those who rise up against us. 7 For I do not trust in my bow, neither shall my sword save me. 8 For Thou hast saved us from those who afflict us, and hast put to shame those who hate us. 9 In God let us glory all the day, and in thy name we shall be known for ever. 10 But now Thou hast rejected us, and hast put us to shame, and Thou hast not departed, O God, in our strength. 11 Thou hast brought us back in our wars, and they that hate us have plundered unto themselves. 12 Thou hast given us as sheep to eat, and hast scattered us into nations. 13 Thou hast given Thy people without price, and there is not a multitude in our shouts. 14 Thou hast made us reproach by our neighbour, and mockery and reproach to those around us. 15 Thou hast put us in the parable of the tongue, with the nodding of the head among men. 16 All day long my shame is before me, and the cold of my face has covered me 17 with a voice that reproaches and slanderes, from the face of the enemy and casts me out. 18 All this hath come upon us, and we have not forgotten thee, nor have we been unrighteous in thy covenant. 19 And turn not back our hearts, and hast turned our paths from thy way. 20 For Thou hast humbled us in the place of wickedness, and the shadow of death is covered. 21 If we have forgotten the name of our God, and if we lift up our hands to a strange god. 22 Will not God seek these things? For this is the secret message of the heart. 23 For Thy sake we are slain all the day, we are reckoned as sheep of the slaughter. 24 Arise, sleep, O Lord? Arise and do not reject it completely. 25 Who hast thou turned away thy face? Do you forget our poverty and our sorrow? 26 For our soul is humbled in the dust, our womb clings to the earth. 27 Arise, O Lord, help us, and deliver us for Thy name's sake.

In the end, O those who are changed by the son of Korah, into understanding, the song of the beloved, 44

2 I will regurgitate my heart a word of goodness, I say my deeds to kings: my tongue is the reed of a scribe. 3 More beautiful in kindness than the sons of men, Thou hast poured out grace in Thy mouth: for this reason God bless thee for ever. 4 Gird Thy sword upon Thy thigh, O Mighty One. 5 By Thy beauty and Thy goodness, and by Thy kindness, and prosper, and reign for the sake of truth, and meekness, and righteousness, and Thy right hand shall guide Thee wonderfully. 6 Thy arrows are sharpened, O Mighty One, the people under Thee shall fall into the hearts of the king's enemy. 7 Thy throne, O God, for ever and ever: the scepter of righteousness, the scepter of thy kingdom. 8 Thou hast loved righteousness, and hast hated iniquity: for this reason Thou hast anointed Thee, O God, Thy God with the oil of joy, more than a partaker of Thy things. 9 Myrrh, and stakti, and cassia from Thy garments, from the burdens of elephants, from which Thou hast made Thee rejoice. 10 Daughters of kings in Thy honor, the Queen stands at Thy right hand, dressed in garments of gold. 11 Hear, O Daughter, and see, and incline thy ear, and forget thy people, and thy father's house. 12 And the King shall desire thy kindness, For that is thy Lord, and thou shalt worship him. 13 And the daughters of Tyre, with gifts, shall pray to thy face the riches of the people. 14 All the glory of the Daughter of the King is within, clothed with golden robes, and adorned with gold. 15 Virgins shall be brought to the King after her, and her sincerity shall be brought unto thee. 16 They will be brought in gladness and gladness, they will be brought into the temple of kings. 17 Instead of thy fathers thy sons were: I have made princes over all the earth. 18 I will remember your name in every generation and generation. For this reason people will confess to Thee for ever and ever.

In the end, O sons of Korah, O Secret Ones, Psalm 45

2 God is our Refuge and Strength, our Helper in the sorrows that have come upon us. 3 For this reason let us not be afraid, when the earth is troubled, and the mountains are changed into the hearts of the sea. 4 Their waters were stirred and troubled, the mountains were troubled by His fortress. 5 The rush of the river rejoices the city of God: the Most High hath sanctified His dwelling place. 6 God is in his midst, and is not moved: God will help him in the morning morning. 7 The tongues are troubled, the kingdom is turned away: the Most High has given His voice, the earth is moved. 8 The Lord of hosts is with us, our Defender, the God of Jacob. 9 Come, and see the works of God, which hath brought wonders upon the earth: 10 Taking away the battle to the ends of the earth, the bow shall break and break the weapons, and the shields shall be burned with fire. 11 Be abolished, and understand that I am God: I will be lifted up in tongues, I will be lifted up to the earth. 12 The Lord of hosts is with us, our Defender, the God of Jacob.


According to the 6th kathisma, the Trisagion.

The same troparia, tone 3: I bring praise to Thee, O Lord, I declare all my transgressions to Thee, O God, having converted me, have mercy on me.