First of all, all kinds of technical disasters - the man-made system of existence, in fact, Satanic, because it absolutely contradicts the laws of God, will begin to break. Planes will fall, ships will sink, nuclear power plants and chemical plants will explode. And all this will be against the backdrop of terrible natural phenomena that will occur all over the world, but especially in America. These are hurricanes of unprecedented strength, earthquakes, severe droughts and, conversely, flood-like downpours. A terrible monster, the modern Sodom - New York, will be wiped off the face of the earth. Gomorrah - Los Angeles will not be left without retribution either.

It seems that it will be difficult to find a place on earth where a person would feel calm, completely safe. A person's peace of mind will only be in trusting in God, the earth will no longer give him protection. The most terrible consequences of disordered nature threaten cities, because they have completely broken away from it. One destruction of the Tower of Babel, a modern house, and hundreds buried without repentance and communion, hundreds of lost souls. These houses, placed on stilts, are arrows that pierced the earth, as if striving there, to hell, they will bring people hellish death under the rubble.

And the one who remains alive will envy the dead instantly, for his fate is even more terrible - death from hunger and suffocation.

Cities will be a terrifying sight. Even those that escape total destruction, deprived of water and electricity, heat and food, they will resemble huge stone coffins, so many people will die. Gangs of bandits will endlessly commit their atrocities, even during the day it will be dangerous to move in the city, but at night people will gather in large groups in order to try to live together until morning. The sunrise, alas, will not herald the joy of a new day, but the grief of the need to live this day.

Do not think that peace and prosperity will reign in the village. Poisoned, disfigured, incinerated by drought or flooded with rains fields will not give the necessary harvest. There will be an unprecedented death of cattle and people, unable to bury the animals, will leave them to decompose, poisoning the air with a terrible stench. The peasants will suffer from the attacks of the townspeople, who, in search of food, will disperse to the villages*, ready to kill a man for a piece of bread! Yes, for the piece that does not fit into their throats now without seasonings and sauces, blood will be shed. Cannibalism will become commonplace, taking the seal of the Antichrist, humanity will erase all boundaries of morality. For the villagers, the night is also a period of special fear, for this time will be with the most cruel robberies. And it is necessary not only to survive, but also to preserve property for work, otherwise there is also a threat of starvation. The people themselves, as in the city, will also be hunted. From the outside, it will seem that the antediluvian times have returned. But no. At that time, the Word of God dominated the world: "Grow and multiply." Now the very life of mankind and its essence are aimed at rejecting both grace and God's providence. But this is not the end.

At the beginning of the story, I put the result of what preceded everything, and not by chance. Very often, or, to be more precise, often, we do not see the big behind the small. To this story, for a small sin, we do not see, do not want to see the trampling of the basic commandments of the Lord. The Lord created this world and, as the Creator, created it, the world, in harmony with Himself. Remember His Word about the newly created: "He is good!" This is what God said, the All-Sufficient and All-Good, the All-Powerful and All-Perfect, the All-Merciful Providence found the creation good, i.e. the world was in harmony with the Good, with Love, for God is love.

* vesam - selam

Man, the only creature capable of influencing the existence of the world, the crown of creation, is also created in the image and likeness of Good and Love. And the commandments given to him by the Creator are nothing but edification for a calm and happy life in the world, in harmony with it. Everything else that contradicts the commandments is destructive both for the world and for all that exists in it, which depends on it. It all begins with a small one, with free dress, collective education of boys and girls, and not under the guidance of a clergyman, but a secular teacher. Soon this name will be erased, only one thing will remain - the teacher! A teacher of what and what? How many of these teachers, in general, are morally corrupt personalities, divorced, partying, neurasthenic. Others, even if they are the majority, if they retain a human face, do not know and do not want to know the rules of living in the world created by God. What do they teach? They teach the world not as a creation of God, but the rules of life in the world, as in the realm of the power of the spirits of the heavenly places! Here it is small, from which the terrible big flows.

Moral decay. How many times has Satan tried to make it universal, all-embracing, but always came across a formidable denunciation of the Church. And for the spirits of darkness, the most terrible thing is reproof. As a thief* creeps in the darkness and fears the light, so the devil's delusions are most effective and seductive when the light of truth is absent. The world is covered with the darkness of contentment of a dozen "developed" countries, which the enemy has chosen as a support in stupefying the whole world. The main striking weapon in this matter is the slogan of freedom! How much blood has been shed in all revolutions and upheavals, social and pseudo-religious actions, political and mystical strife on the altar of the demon of "freedom"! It is he, the rebellious and overthrown, the creature who tried to appropriate the place of the Creator, he is the main lover of freedom. And his freedom is not the ability given to man by God to be perfect in every kind of virtue. No, his "freedom" is the most difficult bonds, the purpose of which is to deprive a person of the opportunity to choose between good and evil, leaving only the march to hell for him. This is the kind of freedom that will be achieved. And it would be okay for the Protestants, at one time they also fought for freedom and against the dictates of the Catholics, and when they came to power, the same Baptists, staged such terror and bacchanalia that Europe shuddered! But where are ours going?! Although, how can we say that we are an Orthodox Power?

* thief - thief

The first freedom that the demon needs, without which all others will crumble, is freedom of religion, the so-called religious tolerance. The essence of this movement is to open a wide road, especially for young people, leading to Satan. Note, father, the road is one-way. Try to resist this movement, and they will immediately pull you back. The Orthodox Church does not allow them all to sleep peacefully! Catholics are already all, they are ready for anything, they accept demonic civilization, "progress". By supporting Zionism, they actually say "yes" to the coming of the Antichrist.

And I saw what efforts the world's evil is making in order to defame the Holy Church, the immaculate Body of Christ! First of all, it will be defamed in all newspapers, radio and television. Jews with Slavic surnames will in every possible way expose the clergy, the Orthodox to public ridicule, mock the rites, fasts, way of life, everything that has always been the basis of the vitality of the people. Thousands and thousands of Catholicized destroyers of Orthodoxy will be sent to the Church itself, to the clergy. With their seeming piety, their spirit is different, alien, and the people will leave their churches. They will stand restored and built, but empty. Wherever anywhere will shine the flame of true holiness and devotion to the spirit of the faith of the fathers. But whoever wants to, will find. No one can justify himself by saying: "Lord, I have sought and have not found!" And the righteous clergy will be persecuted and oppressed, subjected to all kinds of blasphemy, the servants of the devil will not stop at murder, if God allows the righteous to accept the crown of martyrdom. There will be many of them, the righteous martyrs of the end times!

And those, an alien spirit, will wait for the ruler, the Antichrist. But they will still have the opportunity to be saved, i.e. to recognize who he is, and power and money will close the eyes of the majority. It's a terrible time! And it all starts small, the clergy has ceased to wear clothes befitting a rank, and shaved beards in the Catholic and Protestant manner are no longer a rarity.

The second "freedom," which is also cultivated in every possible way, is the freedom of moral depravity. Alas, people accepted it, and it became an integral part of modern life. Fornication is not fornication, but sexual freedom (look how the enemy hides his action behind beautiful, at first glance, words: not fornication, but sex, not theft, but expropriation, and so on in everything). Corruption will begin from a very early age in the form of education of the culture of the sexes and their relationships. Children will be shown, and in some places it is already being done, naked bodies, copulation, inciting lust, passing it off as a normal state. Books and TV will be saturated with naked people, terrible scenes of fornication. Nudity, even in today's clothes, is just the beginning. The goal is much, much more disgusting - the tabernacles of Astarte and Baal, where hundreds and hundreds of pagans, stupefied by alcohol and drugs, copulated. It is there, to worship demons, that the champions of freedom drag humanity. Whoever is defeated by someone is his slave. People are drawn into this slavery in the wrapper of freedom. But even natural fornication is no longer enough for the servants of darkness. As a manifestation of true love of freedom, emancipation of thinking, the sin of sodomy and bestiality will be presented. The propaganda of this abomination will be incredibly strong, almost stronger than sexual debauchery. Cases of same-sex marriages will be given such publicity as the invention of antibiotics at one time! Sodomites will appear from everywhere - artists, first of all, politicians, business executives. The sin of sodomy will become a label for the near future. Their wild are already being arranged in the form of annual carnivals in America, all this will be in our country in no less disgusting guise. All those who oppose this domination of demons will be declared as encroaching on the freedom of others, dense ignoramuses and anti-state people, since all states will put the protection of morality at the head of their activities, and the protection of demonic freedoms.