Exactly, demonic, because even now you do not come across a particularly Orthodox article, except for church publications proper. And bishops are allowed to television only on major holidays. All kinds of nonsense are written and said, but there is no opposition of views, points of view of a worldview nature. Good is freedom when one can only scold holiness! Everything else is taboo.

And this also began small, and oh, how long has this Posix been going on with the transfer of parochial schools to the jurisdiction of the zemstvos, the secular authorities. And the atheists went there as teachers to train cadres for the revolutions of 1917!

Young people, having fallen under the power of Satan by committing sinful falls, stupefied by alcohol and drugs, will not be able to resist the last call to hell of the primordial murderer, and will commit suicide. The number of those who have committed suicide will increase immeasurably. It will increase in such a way that such an end will not cause surprise in others as a self-evident consequence of what has happened. Moreover, the number of patients with terrible diseases associated with lust or immoderation, the poisoning of the world, will be so great, and their sufferings will be so terrible that society will accept suicide even as a kind of act of mercy. They will even go so far as to push people to do this, but the explanation for everything is simple - everything is aimed at the destruction of the souls of those who have gone astray.

Another terrible trap of the devil will be the inducement of people to earn money, to increase their personal income. This very passion for the love of money is pernicious, pernicious, like everything immoderate. And immoderation leads to the destruction of nature, in whatever area this money is earned, all this will affect the world around us. The second part of this trap is the use of this money, means. I repeat once again that the created system of life is incredibly fragile, monstrously fragile. So the use of money by people is also subject to this fragility.

What is today's money?! A bluff, a ghost, an illusion, like those "miracles" of the devil. All manufactured equipment is something significant only with a set of "ifs": if there is fuel, if there are spare parts, if the radiation background is not high (electronics fail), you can list and list. In addition, it is impossible to service a modern car without special workshops! So, it is worth removing one of the "ifs" and all this will become a pile of unnecessary metal. An example is before our eyes: what is now in the price of a peasant - a horse and a cow.

Further, most of the money is kept either in banks or in securities. They will burst, these banks, they will burst in order to bring people to their knees. And they will burst overnight, the rehearsals of this have already been successful. And enterprises will stop due to natural disasters and wars. And what will a person be left with? With a lot of unnecessary and useless things, for the acquisition of which years of life were spent, but the value of which is very relative even in a prosperous world, and in the world of disasters - dust, nothing.

I remember how women kept asking me: is crystal and carpets in the house a sin or not? The whole Soviet Union raked it into the houses, into the reserve. And then what? And now imagine, electricity, gas and heating are cut off, for what will a person give both crystal and carpets? For a saw, an axe and a potbelly stove! And who has these things?! One, maybe out of a hundred or two.

I've already touched on things. How rationally the world was arranged before the madness of the 19th and 20th centuries. Clothes were made solid and reliable. Effort and work were spent on it, so it reached the grandchildren, that's how people valued their time! And that's why they had enough time for everything, to be in time for the field, and to go to church, and to sit at the table at the feast with their relatives. And what about now? Shoes - for the season, clothes - for two, good - three! But there is no time for prayer, for church - I will pray at home, for children - alas, they grow up homeless, because parents earn money. But we live no worse than others. Do we live?! Only the free live, but the captive, the slave, exists. God gave His Only-begotten Son in order to free us from slavery, the captivity of sin and passions, and we, like the Jews who came out of the Egyptian captivity, murmur and rush back to the full. Let children die, and loved ones humiliated, but soup on time! But this soup is the essence of cheese in a mousetrap. When the door is slammed shut, but there is still cheese, does the mouse know that it has been caught? And her hour has already struck, but there is cheese, and she is diligently nibbling on it, and she is so happy with a delicious dinner that has fallen out of nowhere! But the one who set the mousetrap had already heard that the trap had worked and the victim had been caught. He can immediately come and kill the victim, or he can let him digest dinner. It will immediately seem cramped to her, and then she will get used to it. Hungry? So they don't kill! And the end is known. I do, and the mouse guesses.

Yes, terrible times. Take it, the last war, why was it unleashed? They say: Hitler, the belligerence of the German people, the redivision of Europe and the world. The Communists insert imperialism and the struggle for colonies here. Yes, a lot of things, but this is not the point, the point is the possibility of centralizing power, power over the world. Any tree is known by its fruit, no matter what the seller of a seedling in the market tells you, you will know and appreciate everything when you get the fruit, wait for it. And what are the fruits of the war - millions of Orthodox Christians killed and maimed both in our Russia and in the Balkans. The main outpost of Orthodoxy in the Southwest, Serbia, fell into the hands of the Croats, the Catholics - Josip Broz Tito Croat, and Croatia became the most developing republic. The Orthodox regions of Yugoslavia are not just in oblivion, but Kosovo is being settled by Muslims as Russia and Moscow are now.

Another result is Israel. Everything was organized by propaganda in such a way that the main victim in the war was the Jews, and by no means the Slavs or, say, the French. I will return to the Balkans, the Serbs fought with Tito, the Croats were with the Germans, and the Croats won in the end. So are the Jews. First, who was ruined by the Germans? Most of them are half-breed Jews, either baptized or tolerant of the faith, by no means orthodox, and even more so, none of the leaders of Zionism were found in Hitler's dungeons - they managed to leave, because they knew the essence of what was happening in advance. But persecution, with a special coverage of everything that was happening, made it possible to create the state of Israel. The land was allocated to them - spit, it will cover. But, as we say, sit down at the table. They conquered this land from the Arabs. Again, the Arabs are terrorists, but the Jews are not!

The third result is Europe. What else could force it to unite, if not a global war. And now we can consider that this is one country, from Turkey to Norway. Everything will be one - government, money, laws. Everything is coordinated with America, so that there is no friction in the general unification.

Which of the outcomes is more important for Satanists? We don't know. I think and saw that these are the steps of one ladder, the ladder leading to the kingdom of the Antichrist. He comes, and then everything is ready, the centralization is complete, the whole nation is counted, each has his own number and card, and everything is in it, up to views and worldview. And with the help of this card, it will be possible to control the movement of a person on the ground, and underground, and under water. Everything will be.

Of course, he will want to be worshiped voluntarily, as the world accepted Christ. But this is the voluntariness that cattle reveal. led to the slaughterhouse. He walks on his own. and on the sides there are shepherds with whips. But humanity is already in a mousetrap, although there is a bit of cheese left. that is why the Saviour said that hardly one believing soul can be found. We accepted the terms of this peace. have already been accepted, people have not only agreed, but are building their own system of dependence on it. and if you have already accepted the rules of the game, you will play to the end, in this case, until the Last Judgment.

I told you such horror stories, that there is nowhere else to go. The most terrible thing, however, is that to hear does not mean to see, but to see everything is much more terrible and disgusting. Not everything is proper to say, so as not to inflame the gloom in the present with pictures of the future.