I've already touched on things. How rationally the world was arranged before the madness of the 19th and 20th centuries. Clothes were made solid and reliable. Effort and work were spent on it, so it reached the grandchildren, that's how people valued their time! And that's why they had enough time for everything, to be in time for the field, and to go to church, and to sit at the table at the feast with their relatives. And what about now? Shoes - for the season, clothes - for two, good - three! But there is no time for prayer, for church - I will pray at home, for children - alas, they grow up homeless, because parents earn money. But we live no worse than others. Do we live?! Only the free live, but the captive, the slave, exists. God gave His Only-begotten Son in order to free us from slavery, the captivity of sin and passions, and we, like the Jews who came out of the Egyptian captivity, murmur and rush back to the full. Let children die, and loved ones humiliated, but soup on time! But this soup is the essence of cheese in a mousetrap. When the door is slammed shut, but there is still cheese, does the mouse know that it has been caught? And her hour has already struck, but there is cheese, and she is diligently nibbling on it, and she is so happy with a delicious dinner that has fallen out of nowhere! But the one who set the mousetrap had already heard that the trap had worked and the victim had been caught. He can immediately come and kill the victim, or he can let him digest dinner. It will immediately seem cramped to her, and then she will get used to it. Hungry? So they don't kill! And the end is known. I do, and the mouse guesses.

Yes, terrible times. Take it, the last war, why was it unleashed? They say: Hitler, the belligerence of the German people, the redivision of Europe and the world. The Communists insert imperialism and the struggle for colonies here. Yes, a lot of things, but this is not the point, the point is the possibility of centralizing power, power over the world. Any tree is known by its fruit, no matter what the seller of a seedling in the market tells you, you will know and appreciate everything when you get the fruit, wait for it. And what are the fruits of the war - millions of Orthodox Christians killed and maimed both in our Russia and in the Balkans. The main outpost of Orthodoxy in the Southwest, Serbia, fell into the hands of the Croats, the Catholics - Josip Broz Tito Croat, and Croatia became the most developing republic. The Orthodox regions of Yugoslavia are not just in oblivion, but Kosovo is being settled by Muslims as Russia and Moscow are now.

Another result is Israel. Everything was organized by propaganda in such a way that the main victim in the war was the Jews, and by no means the Slavs or, say, the French. I will return to the Balkans, the Serbs fought with Tito, the Croats were with the Germans, and the Croats won in the end. So are the Jews. First, who was ruined by the Germans? Most of them are half-breed Jews, either baptized or tolerant of the faith, by no means orthodox, and even more so, none of the leaders of Zionism were found in Hitler's dungeons - they managed to leave, because they knew the essence of what was happening in advance. But persecution, with a special coverage of everything that was happening, made it possible to create the state of Israel. The land was allocated to them - spit, it will cover. But, as we say, sit down at the table. They conquered this land from the Arabs. Again, the Arabs are terrorists, but the Jews are not!

The third result is Europe. What else could force it to unite, if not a global war. And now we can consider that this is one country, from Turkey to Norway. Everything will be one - government, money, laws. Everything is coordinated with America, so that there is no friction in the general unification.

Which of the outcomes is more important for Satanists? We don't know. I think and saw that these are the steps of one ladder, the ladder leading to the kingdom of the Antichrist. He comes, and then everything is ready, the centralization is complete, the whole nation is counted, each has his own number and card, and everything is in it, up to views and worldview. And with the help of this card, it will be possible to control the movement of a person on the ground, and underground, and under water. Everything will be.

Of course, he will want to be worshiped voluntarily, as the world accepted Christ. But this is the voluntariness that cattle reveal. led to the slaughterhouse. He walks on his own. and on the sides there are shepherds with whips. But humanity is already in a mousetrap, although there is a bit of cheese left. that is why the Saviour said that hardly one believing soul can be found. We accepted the terms of this peace. have already been accepted, people have not only agreed, but are building their own system of dependence on it. and if you have already accepted the rules of the game, you will play to the end, in this case, until the Last Judgment.

I told you such horror stories, that there is nowhere else to go. The most terrible thing, however, is that to hear does not mean to see, but to see everything is much more terrible and disgusting. Not everything is proper to say, so as not to inflame the gloom in the present with pictures of the future.

Yes, it seems that the most real thing that exists in this world is death. But it is in its reality that everyone does not want to believe, or rather, to measure the reality of death with the illusory nature of human existence. Ghostliness is not in the sense that this is a bluff, no, God cannot have deception, God is the Truth. The illusory nature of existence in its transience and in the attitude of man himself to it, as it turns out, all our troubles are in ourselves. Man treats this transience as eternity, rejecting the greatest reality of death. Tell someone about death, and even about the death of your interlocutor, and you will become an enemy. And what, will he live forever or me, or that? It's just that we try not to think about death, to get away from it according to the ostrich method - you hide your head in the sand and it seems that there is no danger! Look, how many saints put a coffin in their cells, why? For the remembrance of death, and this, as Holy Tradition says, is the pledge of salvation. How! What people there were, true men, sons of God, and they kept before their eyes a constant reminder of death - the grave! Both for ourselves and for us sinners, especially for people of the last time, for everything draws us to eternal life on earth, we have contrived to deceive ourselves, well, just a little more... and get the elixir of eternal youth.

Just as a donkey is tied a carrot before his eyes, so that he runs after it all the way, and does not disturb the owner with stops, so Satan thrusts a carrot into mankind of eternal, sinful life on earth. They say, that there is nothing to practice in spiritual work, prayer and fasting, and even more so, to love your neighbor, you either believe that after the grave there is only a land of cheese, in which you yourself will decay, and the coffin will turn into dust, or that there are already ways to rejuvenate, prolong life, prevent old age, in general, whatever you want. If you are too fastidious, but you want to live, we will freeze it! When we defrost, then everything will definitely be open, and you will live forever! The ravings of a madman, but they believe, the unfortunate believe. Yes, on earth you can connect with eternity and see with your own eyes the reality of real eternity, and not a satanic mirage. Apostle Paul, St. Seraphim of Sarov and how many other righteous men were vouchsafed to see the beauties of paradise! In the same way, an even greater number of prayer books were sown with the uncreated light of Tabor. Yes, the very appearance of God's people and Satan's people, isn't this a guarantee of reality?

How can one be saved in this terrible time of destruction? Now some theoreticians have begun to argue that it is impossible for a person to be saved if God wants to save him, but otherwise - no, it is impossible. And all this regardless of the work of the person himself. It turns out to be some kind of Calvinism, and the main thing is that there is no point in striving for salvation, it is impossible to be saved. Sin, my brother, as much as your soul asks - you will like it or not, it does not depend on you alone.

But no, it's just not like that at all. Yes, no one can be saved without God's help, the Savior Himself told the disciples that we need to rack our brains. But the Lord's help is applied to human zeal, to his labors and efforts. As the great St. Chrysostom said, you bring everything that is yours, and what is not enough, God will make up! And there is no zeal, so we are saved by sorrows and illnesses. And moderation, moderation in everything. Materialism, consumerism, this is the terrible devil's bridle on people. Everything is put on purchase and there is no limit to this.

I began my story with the first vision of how people fell into hell, what pulled them there. So, you can't have a car, a house, or furniture? Once, a few years ago, two Russian families who had fled from Georgia came to me with a request to pray. I was struck by their escape, its realization. It was already impossible to leave, everyone who tried to do it legally, i.e. observed all the formalities in order to be able to take out everything they had, formalized, as expected, their departure, cars, I don't know what else, were at the border and on the way to it were robbed, subjected to violence up to murder. My visitors reasoned much more wisely: "God gave, God took away, just to survive, the rest will follow." They were wearing what they were wearing - on the cars, only warm clothes in the trunk, and run. So the Lord providentially gave them housing immediately, and they were able to register the cars, so everything WORKED OUT.

Here it is, the attitude to things, one saves them, not even thinking about his safety, how they have been making money all their lives. For another, it is only a means, but not an end in itself. Therefore, such a person, with such an attitude to things, will not give much to what is called "prestige". If only I could be comfortable. This is the right approach, purely for our time. There is no need to rake in things the purpose of which is either not clear to you at all, or their use will be carried out somewhere out there, over time. You take them because everyone has them. Must not. Only what is really necessary and not the most expensive, but simple and reliable. This is especially true for clothes and winter, warm clothes. The principle is the same - goodness, natural and sufficient, warming as much as possible.

You should be very careful with electronics, with electronic devices. From imaginary friends, in an instant, they will turn into obvious ruthless enemies: