The mysterious meaning of church rites

On the other hand, the red color on eggs has a special meaning. And we will not sin if we say that it means here the life-giving Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. If Jesus Christ had not redeemed us, then we would have been eternal prisoners of hell and death, and, consequently, we would have no reason to hope for our future resurrection. But we are redeemed, redeemed by none other than the priceless Blood of the Lord. Consequently, we will certainly be resurrected. And how our redemption is perfect

By the blood of Jesus Christ, then our future resurrection is acquired by us by the same blood. This is what the red color on eggs reminds us of, and it is this color that preaches to us that our future resurrection is the fruit or consequence of the shedding of the priceless Blood by our Saviour.

This is the significance of the rite of christening.

Why are the Royal Doors open throughout Paschal Week?

One of the features of the feast of Pascha is that the Royal Doors remain constantly open throughout Holy Week. The Holy Church does this in remembrance of the fact that Christ the Saviour, having suffered for us, opened to us the gates of paradise, and from the moment of His glorious resurrection the entrance to heaven, to the Kingdom of God, was open to us.

Celebrating Holy Pascha and looking at the open holy doors, should we not rejoice that God's paradise has again been opened to us? But we know that it was imprisoned by our sins, and we had to die without seeing the light and glory of God. God's mercy alone saved us. Only the Son of God, our intercessor and Saviour, opened to us the entrance to the Kingdom of Heaven.

From henceforth ye shall see heaven opened (John 1:51), He Himself said, "only from the time of His coming to earth, of His suffering, death and resurrection. Yes, Jesus Christ – He alone opened the entrance to the Kingdom of Heaven for us – and what a free, one might say, spacious entrance! It includes not only the righteous, but also tax collectors, prostitutes, and repentant robbers. So great is the Lord in His mercy to the human race.

We know that just as in the Church on the days of the feast of the Resurrection of Christ the royal doors are opened, so during the entire time of God's grace, from the very moment of Christ's resurrection from the tomb, the doors of the glorious Kingdom of God are opened to us, the entrance to heaven itself is open to us, we know and thank our Benefactor God, we thank and pay attention to ourselves.

The entrance to the Kingdom of God is open, but only the worthy enter, those who diligently and with living faith receive the saving grace of God, who do not only look into the open gates of paradise, but also struggle, go to paradise, go to the fulfillment of the holy law of Christ, by good works, and by a corresponding Christian life. We do not rely on the fact that we are called Christians, that we are among the believers. Let us remember what the Lord said: Not everyone who says to Me, Lord! God! shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but he that doeth the will of My Father which is in heaven (Matt. 7:21). Let us not lose our precious time for salvation, in which we can deserve and receive the Kingdom of Heaven that is given to us. After all, the celebration of the feast of Pascha does not always continue. Bright Week will pass, and the royal doors will be shut. So are the doors of the Kingdom of Heaven. Now they are open to us, and there will be a time when both the doors of repentance and the doors of God's mercy will be closed, they will be closed with the glorious coming of our Savior to earth, or with each of us' own death.

What does artos signify?

Among some of the rites and rites associated with the celebration of Pascha in the Orthodox Church is the use of artos. Artos, literally translated from Greek, means bread, and according to the church rule - a complete prosphora. The symbolic meaning of the artos is clearly revealed from the prayers that are supposed to be read for the blessing and breaking of the artos.

Invoking God's blessing on the consecrated artos, the priest in a prayerful appeal asks the Lord to heal every ailment and illness and to grant health to all who partake of this artos.