Sacraments and Rites of the Orthodox Church

Forty days.

The Additional Trebnik contains the rites of consecration of the church and things belonging mainly to the church: the cross on the church, liturgical vessels, sacred vestments, icons, iconostasis, bell, cross worn on the chest, etc. Such are the prayers for the consecration of the well (well), bees, fragrant potions and every other thing.

The Trebnik in 2 parts (Small) contains everything that is found in the Small and Additional Trebniks, as well as some prayers from the Large Trebnik, for example: "Prayer for every infirmity", "Prayer to build a ship", as well as "The rite for the separation of the soul from the body, when a person suffers for a long time".

The Trebnik of Metropolitan Petro Mogila of Kiev was compiled and published by him in 1646 with the aim of providing the southwestern clergy not only with a newly edited official liturgical book, cleansed of errors and errors that had crept into the church rites of the Little Russian churches under the influence of Catholicism, but also an integral and comprehensive practical guide to all cases of private worship.7 Peter Mogila compiled his Trebnik on the basis of Greek and Old Slavonic euchologies written sources. However, in his Trebnik he included some rites and prayers with explanatory remarks from the Roman Trebnik of 1615, edited for the first time under Pope Paul V in 1603. Such a direct borrowing from the Roman ritual is, for example, the "Ustav of the Mystery of Holy Repentance" in the Trebnik of Peter Mogila.8

In the Trebnik of Peter Mogila there are also articles that are divided into ritual, casuistic and pastoral according to their content. The articles of the first type reveal the basic idea of the rite and the meaning of all its accessories, the articles of the second type contain instructions to the priest on various difficult cases, the third group indicates the requirements for the pastor as a celebrant of the Sacraments and rites and speaks of how the pastor should relate to his flock.

In terms of content, the Trebnik of Peter Mohyla is divided into three parts. The first part contains the rites of the Sacraments and the most important prayers relating to the life of a Christian from his birth to death. In the second part of the Trebnik there are rites for the consecration and blessing of various church accessories and household items of Christians (for example, the consecration of liturgical vessels and vestments, icons). These rites are found in the Trebniks of the Eastern Church and were compiled by Peter Mogila on the basis of the ancient practice of the Eastern Church. The third part contains prayers for events that have the character of social disasters, for example, during the plague of cattle, as well as events concerning the life of individual Christians or social groups: a prayer service for the possessed, on the day of the New Year, thanksgiving for the receipt of help.

Peter Mogila, who died soon after the publication of his Trebnik, did not have time to submit it for consideration by the All-Russian Patriarch and the Council. The Trebnik did not receive widespread distribution and recognition, although some articles from it were included in those published in Moscow

Liturgical books. Such are the "Teaching News" in the Service Book, the rite of joining the Gentiles, the "Book of Prayer Songs," etc. This Trebnik is used in the performance of rites, the rites of which are absent in the Great Trebnik: for the opening of monasteries, for the discovery of holy relics. Thus, according to the rite set forth in the

Trebnik of Peter Mogila, the incorrupt relics of St. Mitrophan of Voronezh in 1832 and St. Tikhon of Zadonsk in 1861 were found.

Trebnik in three parts (in the form of three books). In the new Trebnik of 1980 and 1984 published by the Moscow Patriarchate, in addition to the content of the Lesser Trebnik in two parts (1956), separate rites and rites from other types of Trebnik and other liturgical books, in particular, from the "Book of Prayer Songs" were introduced.

The first book of the Trebnik contains the rites, sequences and prayers of the Holy Sacraments of Baptism, Chrismation, Confession, Marriage, the rite of Communion for the sick, the canon and rite for the separation of the soul from the body, the funeral service for the laity and the service of the pannikhida, the service of the lesser blessing of water and the general moleben to the Savior, the Mother of God and the saints, the moleben for the invocation of the help of the Holy Spirit before the beginning of a good work.

The second book contains the rites of the Sacrament of Unction, a moleben for the sick, for the pacification of the warring and the increase of love, for travelers, the rite of thanksgiving for the blessings of God, the rites for the consecration of various church accessories and divine services.

The third book (1984) includes the rite of the great blessing of water, the rite of the foundation of the church and the erection of the cross, the rite of consecration of the church, the rite of blessing of the new icon case for the storage of holy relics, the rite of blessing and consecration of the iconostasis, the rite of blessing the bell, the rite of the second marriage, the rite of the funeral of the deceased priest, the rite of burial of infants, the funeral service for the departed during Paschal Week, prayers for various needs (the blessing of grapes on the Transfiguration, meat and milk food for Pascha, the rite of consecration of the artos, etc.), the rites of joining the Orthodox Church, the consecration of the house, the rite of prayer for the deceased non-Orthodox, the prayer service for the New Year.

Rite of Those Who Unite from the Heterodox to the Orthodox Catholic Eastern Church