Volume 8, Book 1 (1 part of the commentary of Evang John)

DISCOURSE 10 on John 1:11. 1. God does not force or constrain our free will. - 2. What does it mean, "He came to his own"? - That those who did not want to accept Jesus Christ are sufficiently punished by this very act and the consequences of this refusal. - The grace-filled effect of baptism. - 3. That it is entirely up to us to preserve the purity of our baptism. - Punishment for those who defile the clothes received at baptism. Faith and purity of life are necessary for salvation. - What clothes should be worn by those who are called to the royal wedding feast.

DISCOURSE 11 on John 1:14. 1. Before going to the conversation, one should read those passages from the Holy Scriptures that are subject to explanation. - The position of a minister does not detract from the dignity of the Son of God. - 2. Of the heretics who assert that the Word was incarnate only in appearances—the state of human nature before the coming of Jesus Christ. "It was like a ruined house that only the Almighty could rebuild. - Incarnation as an Unfathomable Mystery. - God the Word took on our flesh to never leave it. "That is why she sits on a royal throne and is worshipped by all the heavenly hosts.

DISCOURSE 12 on John 1:14. 1. What is the meaning of the saying, "Glory as the Only Begotten of the Father." - 2 and 3. Omens and miracles before the coming of Jesus Christ. - Harbingers and preachers. - The free will of man. - Virtue as a product of free will. - Miracles proclaimed Jesus Christ and showed that he was the Only-begotten Son of God. - Miracles performed invisibly and visibly at the time of His death. - What is the glory of Christ in heaven.

DISCOURSE 13 on John 1:15. 1. The inattention of the hearers does not deprive the preacher of his reward. - Why Ev. Does John often refer to the testimony of St. John the Baptist? - 2 and 3. The Significance of the Testimony of St. John the Baptist. - 4. There is nothing more beautiful than a right life. - Rejection of gifts brought from ill-acquired possessions.

DISCOURSE 14 on John 1:16. 1. What we have received from the fulness of Jesus Christ. - 2. The difference between the old and the new law. - The meaning of the words: "grace for grace". - God always precedes us with His blessings. - 3 and 4. The prototypes of the Old Testament received their fulfillment in the New. - An explanation of some of these types. - In public competitions, not those who have been defeated are encouraged to compete, but only courageous fighters. - On the contrary, in spiritual feats both are encouraged and inspired equally, because those who have suffered defeat can recover and still gain victory. - The bitterness of medicines should not discourage anyone: their benefits will be revealed later. - Both sinners and the righteous - all need medicines, corrections and good edification.

DISCOURSE 15 on John 1:18. 1. No one has ever seen God in His essence. - 2 and 3. Jesus Christ knows the Father fully because He dwells in His bosom. - Refutation of the Arians and other heretics who rejected the Divinity of Jesus Christ. - Jesus Christ revealed more to us than the prophets and Moses. - All Christians are one body. - Which is the greatest bond of their mutual love.

DISCOURSE 16 on John 1:19. 1. How the malice of the Jews is manifested in the questions with which they addressed St. John the Baptist. - 2. How this faithful Forerunner gives Jesus Christ the glory that even the Jews wanted to give to him. - The high opinion that the Jews had of St. John the Baptist. - Their unbelief in Jesus Christ is inexcusable and unforgivable. - The Humility of St. John the Baptist. - Against the Anomoeans. - Pride overthrows every virtue of the soul and perverts all good deeds. - She is the mother of the devil, the beginning, source and cause of all sins. - About almsgiving. - The poor bring the blessings of this world to heaven. - The fragility of earthly possessions, and therefore it is necessary to transfer them in advance to the highest city.

DISCOURSE 17 on John 28-29. 1. The words of St. John the Baptist as a testimony to his greatest reverence for Jesus Christ. - 2. Jesus Christ did not need to be baptized. - 3 and 4. The falsity of the assumption that Jesus Christ performed miracles in childhood. - Why did the Jews not believe in Jesus Christ, although they heard the preaching of St. John the Baptist and saw so many signs and wonders? - Reliability of the Evangelists. - Against the Gentiles. - There are defenders of spectacles, but truth and faith are not found. - Writings of philosophers of that time against Christians.

DISCOURSE 18 on John 1:35-37. 1. Why did St. John the Baptist often repeat the same thing? - Some catechumens postponed baptism until the last moment. - 2. The prophets and apostles preached Jesus Christ who was absent, and St. John the Baptist preached Christ who was present. - 3 and 4. The teaching of Jesus Christ should be preferred to any other. - The more food is given to the body, the more it is relaxed; the more food is given to the soul, the more it is strengthened. - Aversion to meat is a sign of bodily disease; aversion to the Word of God is a sign of illness of the soul. - What is her food? - Against the theater and spectacles.

DISCOURSE 19 on John 1:41:42. 1. The benefits of human unity. - Andrew, having found the Messiah, immediately invites his brother to take part in the happiness he has found. - 2. Prophecy proves divine omnipotence no less than a miracle. - 3. The ancients had many names, the Christians had only one name - Christian. - Honor and glory of this name. - We bear the name of Jesus Christ and are as close to him as the body is to the head. - How to make proper use of wealth? - To give one's possessions to the poor is to enrich oneself.

DISCOURSE 20 on John 1:43-44. 1. The calling of Philip. - Jesus Christ draws him along with Him in one word. - Philip, for his part, leads Nathanael to Christ. - 2. Nathanael's character, his wisdom. - How he was brought to the Faith. - 3. The faithful must do whatever Jesus Christ wants and requires of them. - We must obey Christ in everything, nourish Him when He is hungry, give Him water when He is thirsty. "He will not reject our gifts, whatever they may be. - A friend gladly accepts everything that his friend gives him. - Love is found not in words, but in deeds.

DISCOURSE 21 on John 1:49-50. 1. Nathanael's confession was less perfect than the confession made later by Apostle Paul. Peter. - 2. Jesus Christ performed His first miracle at the request of His Mother. - 3. Jesus Christ wants everyone to turn to Him with their needs. - The example of famous doctors. - Why did He give a harsh answer to His Mother? - Relatives of the Savior, known as Desposines. - Our ancestors and fathers were good Christians, which should shame us and subject us to all the greater communion.

DISCOURSE 22 on John 2:4. 1. Jesus Christ does everything at the right time, not because He is subject to time, since He is the Creator of years and Lord of ages, but because He loves order. - 2. Jesus Christ, by His miracle in Cana of Galilee, proved that He is the Creator of water and wine. - 3. The miracles of Jesus Christ surpass all the forces of nature. - He perfects our rebellious souls. - The fragility of the goods of this world: they instantly disappear and flow away with the rapidity of a stream. - Poverty is the mother of health. - The sweets of the meal are very harmful to the body and soul and produce many diseases.

DISCOURSE 23 on John 2:11. 1. The transformation of water into wine is the first miracle of Jesus Christ. - On what evidence rests the authenticity of this miracle, which led the disciples to faith. - 2. Jesus Christ expels the sellers from the temple. - The same thing happened again at the end of His sermon. - 3. Why did Jesus Christ make unclear predictions? - The apostles did not know about the resurrection. - Why didn't Jesus Christ reveal it to them? - People believe more in facts than in words. -St. The Spirit reminded the apostles of all that Jesus Christ had told them. - The greatness of the virtue of the apostles. - Praise to them. - Exhortation to almsgiving, without which it is impossible to enter the gates of heaven.