Volume 8, Book 2 (2ch.commentary of Evang.John)

DISCOURSE 72. (on John 13:20) 1. Why did St. John recline on the breast of Jesus Christ when all the other disciples were in fear? – 2. Judas's Insensibility. – Why was there a purse in the host of students? – 3. Conversation after the Last Supper. – It is not miracles, but philanthropy that are the mark of the disciples of Jesus Christ. – The reproaches that the pagans made to Christians. – In what ways the disciples showed their humanity. – The pagans noticed the vices and shortcomings of Christians and made them a pretext for avoiding the acceptance of the Christian faith.

DISCOURSE 73. (on John 13:36) 1. The liveliness and zeal of Ap. Peter. – Love is nothing without grace. – The prediction of the fall of Ap. Peter. – 2. Jesus Christ, in order not to grieve His disciples, hid some things from them. – Another testimony about the equality of the Son with the Father. - . It is necessary to take care to wash away all the impurities of the soul. – First of all, they are washed by baptism, then by almsgiving. – Vice of predation. "It is a crime to make alms out of stolen goods. "It is better not to do works of mercy at all than to do them from the fruits of predation.

DISCOURSE 74. (on John 14:8-9) 1. Consubstantial Jesus Christ with God the Father. – 2. The power and omnipotence of Jesus Christ. – 3. We must follow Jesus Christ and bear His cross. – The New Testament sacrifice is immeasurably higher than the Old Testament. – What is the sacrifice of a Christian? – Suppression of passions. – The love of wealth and its tyranny. "For a long time, people did not know gold and silver, whence covetousness is born. – About almsgiving.

DISCOURSE 75. (on John 14:15-17) 1. It pleases God that creatures should love Him. – Against the Sabellians and those who deny the Holy Spirit. – 2. On the greatness of the power of the Holy Spirit in the apostles. – 3. The confirmation of the disciples by Jesus Christ. – 4. In which the Father is higher than the Son. – 5. The power, power and efficacy of the Holy Spirit. Spirit. – Unnaturalness of vices. – Subjection of the flesh to the spirit is the best means for acquiring eternal blessings.

DISCOURSE 76. (on John 14:31-15:1) 1. The disciples' fear of the death of Jesus Christ. – The Parable of the Vine and Its Meaning. – 2. The Savior had many things to say to His listeners. – The greatness of love, its invincibility and usefulness. – Excellent testimonies of His love. – Against predation and greed. – The evil caused by wealth and greed. "Jesus Christ redeemed us, and we serve mammon. – How to attain the perfection of virtue. – Praise of poverty.

DISCOURSE 77. (on John 15:11-12) 1. Is it possible to separate love for God from love for one's neighbor? – 2. Jesus Christ comforts His disciples. – 3. The final consolation is the promise of the Holy Spirit. – 4 and 5. Various ways of consolation in sorrows. "Though virtue is difficult, yet glorious are the fruits it produces. – Exhortation to almsgiving. "We need to be content with what is necessary. – Where does inhumanity to the poor come from? "Out of greed.

DISCOURSE 78. (on John 16:4-6) 1. Sorrow has its benefits. – Against the Doukhobors. – 2. What does it mean: to denounce "sin, righteousness, judgment." – 3. Distinction of hypostases or persons, equality of persons. – Valentinians, Marcionites, Anomoeans. – 4. The power of unity and harmony. – The superiority of philanthropy. – Love for mankind is strengthened by prayer, the celebration of the Holy Mysteries, and church edification.

DISCOURSE 79. (on John 16:16-18) 1. Consolation to the disciples. – 2. They receive from the Father all that they ask in the name of the Son. – 3-5. How you can defeat the world. "Death does not make a man mortal, but victory makes him immortal. – Comparison of resurrection with birth. – The corruption of the body does not hinder the resurrection. – Against vindictiveness. – Exhortation to almsgiving.

DISCOURSE 80. (on John 17:1) 1. Refutation of the Arians and Anomians, who condemned the divinity of Jesus Christ. – 2. The Son of God is one with the Father. – 3. We can partake of the glory of Jesus Christ according to our ability, by our faith and works. The goods we possess are not ours. "We do everything for the body, and nothing for the soul. With the multiplication of needs, the number of servants increases. The master becomes a slave of his servants. "True freedom consists in not needing anyone.

DISCOURSE 81. (on John 17:6) 1. More about the equality and consubstantiality of the Son with the Father. – 2. Jesus Christ, adapting himself to the understanding of His disciples, entrusts them to the care of the Father, as if He Himself did not have the ability to protect them. – 3. You don't have to be a babe in wisdom. – One must follow the advice of the Apostle not only in order to gain understanding, but in order to lead one's life righteously. – Not listening to heavenly things, most people, like children, are carried away by earthly things. – The sin of covetousness. – What is true wealth? – Exhortation to almsgiving. – The glory and efficacy of almsgiving.

DISCOURSE 82. (on John 17:14) 1. The disciples of Christ are not of this world. – On the equality of the Son with the Father. – 2. Jesus Christ calls His disciples to peace and unity, which is more likely to attract people to them than miracles. – 3. No one knows God except those who know the Son. – 4. One must believe in God and love Him. God gives us opportunities to do good. – Vices of Christians. "They often come to church just to stare and show themselves to others. - Cruelty to the poor. – Seeing evil, no one tries to eliminate it; on the contrary, many are jealous of those who do it, and are angry that they cannot do the same themselves.

DISCOURSE 83. (on John 18:1) 1. The beginning of the Savior's sufferings. – 2. Malchus, wounded by Ap. Peter and healed by Jesus Christ, is the same servant who struck the Lord on the cheek. – The first renunciation of Ap. Peter. – 3. How weak our nature is when God leaves us. – The Second and Third Renunciations of Ap. Peter. – 4. Jesus Christ on trial before Pilate. – 5. We must follow the example of Jesus Christ. – A list of the insults and torments suffered by the Savior for us. – Discourse on the insults inflicted on us. "Human glory is nothing more than a shadow. "You need to correct your shortcomings little by little, today one, tomorrow another. – It is as if one should climb the steps to virtue and perfection.

DISCOURSE 84. (on John 18:34) 1. Jesus Christ teaches us patience. – Pilate first tries to free Him. – 2. Fear seized Pilate and prompted him to pronounce an unjust sentence – 3. We must always remember the sufferings of Jesus Christ and constantly reflect on them. "They will serve as the best medicine for all our sorrows and evils. – We must imitate His meekness and the meekness of His apostles in order to win over those who have insulted us. – Anger and lies are from the devil. "Without the practice of virtue, life in this world will be useless and detrimental to us. "Faith alone, devoid of good works, does not open the door to heaven, but brings condemnation. – You can die every hour, and therefore you need to be constantly ready for this.

DISCOURSE 85. (on John 19:16-18) 1. Jesus Christ was crucified between two thieves. – What was the purpose of the inscription on the cross of Jesus Christ? – 2. The clothes are seamless. – Why did Jesus Christ entrust His mother to His disciple? – The death of Jesus Christ was not a disgrace, but a glory. – 4. The ardent love of Mary Magdalene. – 5. Condemnation of the pomp of funeral ceremonies. "The last debt should be paid to the dead, but without excess. – The death of the crucified Jesus shows that death is not death. – The dead should be buried in such a way that it serves to the glory of God: generous alms should be distributed.