Volume 9, Book 1 (Explanatory Acts)

DISCOURSE 31 (on Acts 14:14-15). Paul's jealousy. - On the endurance of insults. - The image of an angry person.

DISCOURSE 32 (on Acts 14:28, 15:1). Anger should be avoided. - How pride is cured and where it comes from.

DISCOURSE 33 (on Acts 15:13-15). The Church is alien to arrogance. - There is no good without an admixture of evil.

DISCOURSE 34 (on Acts 15:35-36). On the disagreement between Paul and Barnabas. - The difference between visions and dreams. - The wisdom of dumb animals. - Most of all, it is necessary to adorn the soul.

DISCOURSE 35 (on Acts 16:13-14). Paul is Judaizing. - Lydia's Wisdom and Humility. "Nothing is more useless than idleness. - A luxurious table is reprehensible.

DISCOURSE 36 (on Acts 16:25-26). You need to pray at night. - On the true invocation of God.

DISCOURSE 37 (on Acts 17:1-3). Why did Paul enter the synagogues? - There are a lot of thin people in a big city.

DISCOURSE 38 (on Acts 17:16-17). What temptations Paul endured from the Jews, and how he was a stranger to pride. - How to understand the words - to the Unknown God. - The Case of the Sick Youth and the Forbidden Books.

DISCOURSE 39 (on Acts 17:32-33). Why Paul was taken to Rome in chains. - Meekness is praiseworthy. - The offender is subjected to greater condemnation than the offended.

БЕСЕДА 40 (на Деян. 18: 18). Преимущества Христова крещения пред Иоанновым. - Значение любви. - Действия любви.

БЕСЕДА 41 (на Деян. 19: 8). Почему Павел часто входил в синагоги. - Ослепление иудеев. - Землетрясение в Константинополе. - Грех лютее демона. - Случай с найденным сокровищем.

БЕСЕДА 42 (на Деян. 19: 21-23). Влияние скорби. - Сравнение дома пирующих на браке с домом сетующих. - Что такое человек. - Сравнение темницы с зрелищами.

БЕСЕДА 43 (на Деян. 20: 1). Все нужно претерпевать за братий. - Чем дольше отсрочивается воздаяние, тем больше дар.

БЕСЕДА 44 (на Деян. 20: 11-27) Смирение Павла. - Заботы святителя о своей пастве.