Volume 9, Book 1 (Explanatory Acts)
Volume IX
Book 1
Discourses on the Acts of the Apostles
DISCOURSE 1 (on Acts 1:1-2). The meaning of the Book of the Acts of the Apostles. Why is the divinity of Christ not clearly spoken of in Acts? – Why baptism during the time of Chrysostom was not performed at Pentecost. – About those who postpone baptism. – Baptism should not be postponed.
DISCOURSE 2 (on Acts 1:6). Against the Manichaeans.
DISCOURSE 3 (on Acts 1:12). The office of the bishop. – His dignity.
DISCOURSE 4 (on Acts 2:1-2). Why did the Holy Spirit descend on Pentecost? – The Holy Spirit descended on the worshippers. – On Ap. Petra. – Comparison of the Apostles with the Philosophers.
DISCOURSE 5 (on Acts 2:14). Flattery should be avoided. "What do you mean, the moon will turn into blood?" – What is the true benefit of a bishop? – Christ established new laws.
DISCOURSE 6 (on Acts 2:22). The dignity of Peter. – What does it mean to love Christ? – What is the difference between a gentle soul? – The harm caused by anger.
DISCOURSE 7 (on Acts 2:37). Meekness is a great blessing. The wicked are his own enemy.
DISCOURSE 8 (on Acts 3:1). Peter did not seek glory. "Virtue is always useful. – Sins are like thorns. – The firmness of the spirit of the saint. – A crowd that does not fulfill the will of God is worth nothing.
DISCOURSE 9 (on Acts 3:12). The modesty of the speaker is of great benefit to the listener. – The Quality of Peter's Speech. – God also directs evil deeds to good. – Against the use of an oath.
DISCOURSE 10 (on Acts 4:1). The power of Petrova's speech. – Valor of the Apostles. – Peter's firmness. – The vanity of spectacles. "Against the oath.
DISCOURSE 11 (on Acts 4:23). Signs of the Resurrection. – Wealth, the population of Constantinople and almsgiving. "Against the oath.
DISCOURSE 12 (on Acts 4:36-37). What opposites made up the life of the apostles. – About the sacrilegers of the time of Chrysostom. – The amazing life of the first Christians. – Those who sin much should fear much.
DISCOURSE 13 (on Acts 5:17-18). The joy of those who suffer for Christ. - Poverty is a reliable protection. "Against the oath.
DISCOURSE 14 (on Acts 5:34). What is daily service? - When the name of presbyters and deacons appeared. - Love and mercy for enemies. - No one can offend us except ourselves.
DISCOURSE 15 (on Acts 6:8). At ordination, the Spirit descends. - How to tame anger. - Anger is shameful.
DISCOURSE 16 (on Acts 7:6-7). A prefiguration of the resurrection in the Old Testament. - God's Providence. - Sorrow is a blessing. - What is the real joy? - Voluptuousness is a burden on the soul.