Lopukhin's explanatory Bible. OLD TESTAMENT.GENESIS

[309] My righteousness is near; My salvation is rising, and My arm will judge the nations; the islands will trust in me, and trust in my arm.

[310] Thus the isles are waiting for me, and before them are the ships of Tarshish, to bring thy sons from afar, and with them their silver and their gold, in the name of the Lord thy God and of the Holy One of Israel, because he hath glorified thee.

[311] For go to the islands of Hittim, and see, and send to Kedar, and search diligently, and see if there was anything like this.

[312] and all the kings of Tyre, and all the kings of Sidon, and the kings of the isles that are beyond the sea.

[313] I will mention to those who know me about Rahab and Babylon; behold, the Philistines, and Tyre, and Ethiopia, will say, 'So-and-so was born there.'

[314] Woe to the land that overshadows with its wings on the other side of the rivers of Ethiopia, 2 sending ambassadors by sea, and in papyrian vessels by water!

[315] And the Lord said, "As my servant Isaiah walked naked and barefoot for three years, as a sign and foreshadowing of Egypt and Ethiopia, so will the king of Assyria lead the captives out of Egypt and the exiles out of Ethiopia... for the shame of Egypt. Then they will be terrified and ashamed because of Ethiopia their hope, and because of Egypt, which they boasted of.

[316] And the sword will go against Egypt, and terror will spread in Ethiopia...

[317] Ethiopia and Egypt, with innumerable others, served as reinforcements for him; Copts and Libyans came to your aid.

[318] и откапывал я и пил воду чужую, и осушу ступнями ног моих все реки Египетские".

[319] и оскудеют реки, и каналы Египетские обмелеют и высохнут; камыш и тростник завянут.

[320] Садитесь на коней, и мчитесь, колесницы, и выступайте, сильные Ефиопляне и Ливияне, вооруженные щитом, и Лидяне, держащие луки и натягивающие их;

[321] Ефиопия и Ливия, и Лидия, и весь смешанный народ, и Хуб, и сыны земли завета вместе с ними падут от меча.

[322] Ефиопия и Египет с бесчисленным множеством других служили ему подкреплением; Копты и Ливийцы приходили на помощь тебе.