Lopukhin's explanatory Bible. OLD TESTAMENT.GENESIS

[1260] And he blessed Joseph and said, "God, with whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac walked, the God who has shepherded me since I have existed until this day, the angel who delivers me from all evil, may he bless these young men; my name and the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac shall be called upon them, and they may grow in great numbers in the midst of the earth.

[1261] And Bathsheba bent down with her face to the ground, and bowed down to the king, and said, "Long live my lord king David forever!

[1262] which is like a safe and strong anchor for the soul, and enters into the innermost beyond the veil,

[1263] When Isaac was old and his eyesight was dull, he called his eldest son Esau and said to him, "My son! He said to him, "Here am I." [Isaac] said, "Behold, I am old; I do not know the day of my death;

[1264] And they appointed superintendents of work over him, so that they would exhaust him with hard work. And he built Pharaoh Pithom and Ramesses, cities for stores, [and He, otherwise Heliopolis].

[1265] And the children of Israel multiplied and multiplied, and increased and increased exceedingly, and the land was filled with them.

[1266] And Abraham said to his servant, the chief of his house, who was in charge of all that he had, "Put thy hand under my thigh...

[1267] And all the souls that came from the loins of Jacob were seventy [five], and Joseph was already in Egypt.

[1268] According to the translation of the 70: to the top of his staff.

[1269] And the king's servants came to congratulate our lord King David, saying, "May your God glorify the name of Solomon more than your name, and may he magnify his throne more than your throne." And the king bowed down on his bed...

[1270] By faith Jacob, dying, blessed each son of Joseph and bowed down on the top of his staff.

[1271] Before the years of famine, Joseph had two sons, who were born to him by Asenatha, the daughter of Potipher, a priest of Heliopolis.

[1272] And God said to him, "I am God Almighty; be fruitful and multiply; The people and the multitude of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins;

[1273] May God Almighty bless you, may He breed you and multiply you, and may there be a multitude of nations from you...