Lopukhin's explanatory Bible. OLD TESTAMENT.GENESIS

[1309] And the princes of Issachar and Deborah, and Issachar, like Barak, rushed into the valley on foot. There is great dissension among the tribes of Reuben. 16 Why do you sit among the sheepfolds, listening to the bleating of the flocks? There is great dissension among the tribes of Reuben.

[1310] then let the enemy pursue my soul and overtake me, let him trample my life to the ground, and cast my glory into the dust.

[1311] And David took from him a thousand seven hundred horsemen and twenty thousand footmen, and David cut off the sinews of all the charioteers' horses, keeping them for a hundred chariots.

[1312] But the Lord said to Joshua, "Do not be afraid of them, for tomorrow, about this time, I will deliver them all up to be slain by [the children of] Israel; and cut their horses' sinews, and burn their chariots with fire... And Jesus dealt with them as the Lord had said to him: He cut off the sinews of their horses, and burned their chariots with fire.

[1313] was numbered in the tribe of Simeon fifty-nine thousand three hundred.

[1314] These are the generations of Simeon: twenty-two thousand and two hundred.

[1315] The second lot was given to Simeon, the tribe of the sons of Simeon, according to their families; and their inheritance was in the midst of the inheritance of the children of Judah... Of the inheritance of the sons of Judah was set aside for the inheritance of the sons of Simeon. Since the inheritance of the sons of Judah was too great for them, the sons of Simeon received an inheritance among their inheritance.

[1316] And Moses stood at the gate of the camp and said, "Whoever is of the Lord, come to me! And all the sons of Levi gathered to him... Moses said to them, "Today dedicate your hands to the Lord, every man in his son and brother, that He may send you a blessing this day."

[1317] And the Lord said to Aaron: ... Let the Levites correct the services in the Tabernacle of Meeting and bear their sin. This is an everlasting statute throughout your generations; but among the children of Israel they shall have no inheritance;

[1318] да послужат тебе народы, и да поклонятся тебе племена; будь господином над братьями твоими, и да поклонятся тебе сыны матери твоей; проклинающие тебя — прокляты; благословляющие тебя — благословенны!

[1319] С передней стороны к востоку ставят стан: знамя стана Иудина по ополчениям их, и начальник сынов Иуды Наассон, сын Аминадава…

[1320] … И сказал Господь: Иуда пойдет; вот, Я предаю землю в руки его…

[1321] Вижу Его, но ныне еще нет; зрю Его, но не близко. Восходит звезда от Иакова и восстает жезл от Израиля, и разит князей Моава и сокрушает всех сынов Сифовых.

[1322] Сокрушил Господь жезл нечестивых, скипетр владык…