Volume 5, Book 2 (on Psalms)

DISCOURSE on Psalm 132. The high dignity of love, as uniting with pleasantness and benefit, and comparing it with the sacred myrrh that poured on the head of the high priest, and with the dew. – "For there the Lord commanded a blessing." "Where is 'there'?" Love is the queen of virtues.

DISCOURSE on Psalm 133. General content of the final psalm of degrees. – A Christian is required to be more holy, than from those who lived under the law. – "Lift up your hands at night..." – The one who does this will receive a blessing from the Lord. – Why is it added: "from Zion" and "He who created heaven and earth"?

DISCOURSE on Psalm 134. The importance of psalmody or praise to the Lord in the spiritual life of a person. – What does it mean: "for His inheritance"? – Other motives for glorifying the Lord: the wisdom of God in the arrangement of clouds, the union of rains with lightning, and the movement of winds. – "From his treasures." – The special divine care for Israel and the supreme goal of the signs that took place in Egypt and, after leaving it, victories over enemies. – Praise to the Lord for His extraordinary mercies. – "The idols of the Gentiles are silver and gold..." – The difference is in blessings.

DISCOURSE on Psalm 135. The boundless greatness of God's mercy, dominion and omnipotence. – Miracles are the actions not only of power, but also of goodness. – Manifestations of divine omnipotence in the events at the Red Sea, in the desert and in the land of Canaan. – The power of human humility and the universality of divine providence.

DISCOURSE on Psalm 136. The Babylonian captivity awakened in the Jews a burning love for Jerusalem and greatly contributed to their correction. "If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand be forgotten." – An exhortation to live in such a way as not to lose the heavenly Jerusalem. – The thirst for revenge on the part of the captive Jews, the thought of the prophet himself and the New Testament teaching about it.

DISCOURSE on Psalm 137. What does it mean: "And before the angels I will sing to Thee"? – It depends on us that we are heard by God. – "Thou hast magnified Thy holy name over all..., increase thy care for me, for my soul." – The call of all the rulers of the earth to gratitude to the Lord. – "And let them sing the ways of the Lord." – The Lord foresees the future far away and saves the needy, as a merciful Creator.

DISCOURSE on Psalm 138. How should we understand the words: "Lord, Thou hast tried me and recognized me"? – If God knows man's thoughts before they arise, then why does He use testing by works? – "Thou hast searched my path and my way." – Divine foreknowledge, creative power and providence. – The incomprehensibility for man of the divine being, the way of omnipresence and help in disasters. – What does it mean: "As its darkness is, so is its light (will be)." – A change in the action of the elements according to the will of God. "Man does not have complete knowledge; Divine knowledge is not like that. "Within days they form, but none of them." It is no small virtue to have God's friends in great honor and to avoid the company of impious people. – "Tempt me, O God, and know my heart."

DISCOURSE on Psalm 139. A wicked or vicious man is worse than a wild beast; In the proper sense, the evil one is the devil. – Like the latter, a vicious person always harms himself more. – A Christian should feel sorry for evil people and ask for help from the highest to deliver him from their dangerous intrigues. – Those who constantly practice evil sin grievously. – "Do not betray me, O Lord, to a sinner... The main subject of their consultation, which is discussed by their lips, will befall them." Backbiting is also a form of wickedness, which is also subject to punishment, just as beasts are to be caught. – Praise of the righteous to the Lord.

DISCOURSE on Psalm 140. A rebuke to the listeners for not understanding the meaning of this psalm; its importance, as well as the other, the morning (62nd). – What proclamation does God hear? What does the prophet teach when he speaks of the evening sacrifice? – What is suggested by comparing prayer with incense? – The first petition of the Psalmist is for the wise use of the gift of speech; what should and should not be said; examples of inopportune silence and salvific use of the word. – What is the "fence of the mouth", of course? The perniciousness of idle words, insidious kisses, words of murmuring against God's Providence. It is necessary to guard not only the lips, but even more so – the thought. "Turn not my heart to evil words, to devise an excuse for sins." – The company of vicious people should be avoided, and the rebukes of the righteous should be accepted. – "But my prayer (let it not be) in their favor. They were devoured near the stone of their judges." – The psalmist's expectation of a better future, when the instructions of the righteous will be accepted and, in spite of extreme disasters, hope in God will be established. – Prayer for deliverance from the secret snares of the wicked and hope that the latter will be defeated. "I'll be alone until I cross."

DISCOURSE on Psalm 141. The words "voice" and "voice" express the firm aspiration with which the psalmist cried out to God. – The twofold benefit of sorrows. – As a result of which some people are seized by despair or murmuring in times of grievous calamity? – A lofty example of cheerfulness in the midst of the greatest dangers and – hope in God. – The strengthening of the psalmist's prayer by pointing out his grievous sorrow and the deceit of his enemies. – "The righteous await me, until you repay me." – Exhortation – to pray and not to lose heart in times of calamity, as having a beneficial effect on people and other creatures.

DISCOURSE on Psalm 142. Prayer can be a petition or a vow. – "In Thy truth." – With what prayer should one turn to God and with what spiritual disposition? – How should we understand: "Hear me in Thy righteousness"? – The beneficence for the sinner of the threat of God's judgment. – "For the enemy persecuted my soul." – Various types of humility and among them – humility from misfortunes. "Those who live in sin are like those who are in darkness. – No small consolation is brought by the knowledge of the works of God revealed in the Scriptures. – "My soul (strives) to Thee, like a dry land." – What path does the psalmist ask for? And why does he ask? "To the land of truth."

DISCOURSE on Psalm 143. Is God really the teacher of war? – Higher help is necessary especially in the struggle against spiritual hostile forces. "He subdues my people to me." – The Dignity of Man and the Denunciation of Heretics Who Ascribe to Themselves Knowledge Impossible for Man. – What can we know about God? – What does it mean: "like vanity"? – How should we understand the divine descent, touching the mountains, lightning, arrows? "Deliver me... out of the hand of the sons of strangers." – Apart from the tongue, how else can we praise God? "Although people usually consider their happiness to have numerous offspring, wealth, and security, yet true blessedness consists in having the Lord as one's God.

DISCOURSE on Psalm 144. A Christian, as one who has become a son of the Heavenly Father, must constantly glorify Him both in word and in deed, following the example of the Psalmist. – The Lord is worthy of the greatest praise both for His innumerable blessings and because of the infinite greatness of His Being. – "From generation to generation Thy works shall be praised..." – The greatness of God is proclaimed, both beneficial for us and terrible, destructive phenomena of nature. – Above every word is His goodness to everyone and to everything. "The glory of Thy kingdom shall be pronounced" (the monks), in order to teach others and make them partakers of doxology. – What does it mean: "venerable" – Divine mercy to those who fall. – "Thou givest them food at the right time." – Special blessings given to the faithful who fear God.

DISCOURSE on Psalm 145. What does it mean: "in whom there is no salvation"? "You can't rely on people, especially bosses. – The Psalmist's advice to the descendants of Jacob is to seek help from the God of the fathers, who delivers them from such calamities that are beyond the strength of man. – "And he will destroy the way of sinners."