Creations, Volume 7, Book 2

DISCOURSE SIXTY-ONE. Explanation 18:21-35. Forgiveness of offenses is always our duty. - How great is the difference between sins against God and against man. - The greatness of God's blessings aggravates the gravity of sins against God. - Exposing the vices of warriors, craftsmen, landowners. - Explanation of the parable of the forgiven and ungrateful debtor. - The Benefits of Bearing Offenses Without Complaint. - We must grieve for those who do us harm.

DISCOURSE SIXTY-TWO. Explanation 19:1-15. The malice and deceit of the Pharisees. - Indissolubility of marriage. - Christ teaches us to prefer virginity to marriage. - Cutting off members is a devil's work. - The need for grace-filled help for those who choose virginity. - It should be similar in spiritual qualities to children. - A gentle one is stronger than an evil one. - Examples of David and Saul. - Passions harm those who possess them in the present life.

DISCOURSE SIXTY-THREE. Explanation 19:16-26. The intention of the young man who questioned. - The meaning and purpose of Christ's answer. - The increase in wealth increases the passion for it. - Grace needs special help in order to live piously with wealth. - Christ does not assign the works of salvation to God alone. - How the passion for wealth should be weakened. - Wealth is the cause of disasters in this life. - Meditation on the disasters and dangers associated with wealth protects against being deceived by it.

DISCOURSE SIXTY-FOUR. Explanation 19:27 - 20:16. Poverty does not prevent you from being perfect. - God's promises are conditional. - In what sense are the apostles promised the judgment of the twelve tribes? - The meaning and purpose of the parable of the husbandman and the laborers. - A calling depends on a person's willingness to obey God. - Salvation requires right faith and a virtuous life. - Neglect of any one virtue leads to destruction. - Mercy makes the soul invincible to the devil. - One should not be tempted by the example of the lazy.

DISCOURSE SIXTY-FIVE. Explanation 20:17-28. Why does Christ speak about His sufferings to His disciples in private? - The apostles did not have a clear knowledge of the mystery of suffering and resurrection. - What and with what intention did the sons of Zebedee ask? - How Christ corrects their request. - The degree of glorification is determined by the dignity of the deeds. - The degree of perfection of the apostles before and after the descent of the Holy Spirit. Spirit. - Humility multiplies glory. - There is nothing higher than humility and nothing lower than pride. - Proof of the superiority of the humble over the proud.

DISCOURSE SIXTY-SIX. Explanation 20:29 - 21:11. Persistent prayer bows down to God. - Christ's mercy extended only to the worthy. - What does the event of the unquestioning giving of the donkey teach? - The life of Christ should be an example for us. - The Prophetic Meaning of Christ's Entry on a Donkey. - Exhortation to almsgiving. - The insufficiency of alms given in comparison with the wealth of the city (Antioch). - The inexcusability of pretexts for refusing alms. - Alms is the best acquisition.

DISCOURSE SIXTY-SEVEN. Explanation 21:12-32. The hardening of the Jews. - The meaning of the praise of youths. - Why is the fig tree cursed? - Why does Christ not tell the Jews about the right of His authority? - Christ causes them to condemn themselves. - Wherefore he gives them prostitutes and publicans as an example. - No sinner should despair of correction, just as a virtuous person should not give way to carelessness. - The superiority of work for virtue over worldly labors.

DISCOURSE SIXTY-EIGHT. Explanation 21:33-46. Interpretation of the parable of the vineyard. - Christ predicts the rejection of the Jews and the acceptance of the Gentiles. - The Jews themselves are guilty of their own destruction. - Future goods should be preferred to the present. - The monastic life is more desirable than the worldly life. - Description of the way of life of monks. - Comparison of the pleasures given by the theater and the monastery. - Exhortation to learn life among monks.

DISCOURSE SIXTY-NINE. Explanation 22:1-14. Similarities and differences between the parables of the vineyard and the wedding feast. - Why the kingdom of heaven is called marriage. - The Three Faults of the Jews. - God's care for the Jews and their lack of gratitude. - The rejection of the Jews and the calling of the Gentiles. - Calling is by grace; must correspond to grace by obedience. - One must take care of the garment of the soul, not the body. - Pointing to the example of the desert dwellers. - Simplicity of the monks' dwelling and meals. - The serenity of their lives. - Contempt for earthly virtues and distinctions.

БЕСЕДА СЕМИДЕСЯТАЯ. Изъяснение 22:15-33. Намерение иудеев уличить Христа в возмутительстве против власти. - Как обличает их Христос. - Кто были саддукеи. - Вымышленность их рассказа о жене, имевшей семь мужей. - Свойства и действительность будущего воскресения. - Изображение брани, подвигов и побед пустынников над пьянством и чревоугодием. - Сравнение трапезы сластолюбцев и пустынников.

БЕСЕДА СЕМЬДЕСЯТ ПЕРВАЯ. Изъяснение 22:34-46. Связь заповедей о любви к Богу и ближнему. - За что Христос похвалял вопрошавшего законника. - Христос утверждает учение о Своем Божестве. - Тщеславие обращает в свою пищу и добрые и худые дела. - Против тщеславящихся раздаянием милостыни. - Милостыня должна быть тайной. - Ищущий славы чрез милостыню навлекает на себя осуждение и бесславие.

БЕСЕДА СЕМЬДЕСЯТ ВТОРАЯ. Изъяснение 23:1-13. Согласие Христа с Отцом. - Должно слушать учителей, хотя бы развращенных. - Учитель, преступающий закон, заслуживает особенного осуждения. - Жестокость и тщеславие фарисеев. - Что такое хранилища и воскрылия. - Учитель во всем должен являться образцом. - Христос предохраняет от любоначалия и внушает смирение. - Пример смиренномудрия показывают отшельники. - Образ жизни пустынников удаляет их от гордости. - Общественная жизнь не может служить извинением гордости.

БЕСЕДА СЕМЬДЕСЯТ ТРЕТЬЯ. Изъяснение 23:14-28. Прикрывающий злые дела личиной благочестия заслуживает сугубого наказания. - Фарисеи были губителями желавших спасения. - Цель ветхоз. предписаний о внешних очищениях. - Добродетели, очищающие душу: правда, человеколюбие, истина. - Против не заботящихся о душевной чистоте. - Против высматривающих в храме красивых женщин. - Сравнение нравов апостольского времени с современными. - Против женских нарядов, женитьбы из-за денег, развращающих поговорок.

БЕСЕДА СЕМЬДЕСЯТ ЧЕТВЕРТАЯ. Изъяснение 23:29 -39. Почему Христос осуждает фарисеев за устроение гробниц пророков. - Фарисеи притворно осуждали своих отцов и превосходили их нечестием. - Невразумляющиеся наказанием других несут тягчайшее наказание. - Любовь Христа к иудеям и казнь за отвержение ее. - Позднее раскаяние иудеев не принесет им пользы. - Увещание заботиться о душе и лечить душевные недуги - в частности сребролюбие - у врачей духовных.