Palomnik Publishing House thanks

Hegumen Andronik (Trubachev),

Hegumen Vasily (Donets) and A. M. Lyubomudrov

for the search and preparation of materials for this publication

The works of St. Ignatius Brianchaninov (1807–1867) are the spiritual treasury of the Russian Orthodox Church, a favorite reading of pious people. For his great labors in God's harvest field of Christ, this famous ascetic and ascetic writer is rightly called Ignatius, the New God-Bearer. The Palomnik Publishing House has taken the responsible initiative to publish the Complete Works of St. Ignatius, which for the first time will fully present the creative heritage of the great servant of the Church and the most gifted spiritual writer. In the "Appendix" section, readers will become acquainted for the first time with the new texts of the works of the saint, with archival documents that significantly supplement his biographies, as well as with a large number of unpublished letters of the Bishop to various persons, very important and instructive. Valuable memoirs of contemporaries about St. Ignatius will also be presented here, in which the image of this humble and active mentor of monastics and all Orthodox Christians is vividly presented. The entire edition is designed for seven large volumes. The deadline for their publication is the next two years.

ISBN 5–87468–080–2

© The Pilgrim, 2006

© Compilation, A. N. Strizhev, 2001

© Design, E. B. Kalinina, 2001

From the compiler

This Complete Collection of the Works of St. Ignatius Brianchaninov includes all the revealed texts of his writings, both those that were in print and those that have already been found in the archives and are offered to the reader for the first time. Moreover, the volume of newly published texts is very significant: in addition to the literary and theological works of the saint, it also contains a large array of letters sent by him to various persons, as well as documentary materials that significantly supplement his biography. In addition, our edition also includes a corpus of memoirs about Bishop Ignatius, a great spiritual writer and ascetic, and theological considerations of his works. For the first time, the reader will receive an exhaustive bibliography of publications of the texts of the saint himself and a list of printed materials about him.

The complete works of St. Ignatius Brianchaninov are supposed to be published in seven extensive volumes:

Volume I. Ascetic Experiments. Part I. Supplement — A Word about Man. Appendix — Memoirs of M. V. Chikhachev and Alexandra Kupreyanova.