Volume-2 Fundamentals of the Art of Holiness

студентом, сказали бы теперь) . Церковный историк Ев-севий описывает страдания в Г аллии святого мученика Александра, который был «по происхождению фригиец, по науке врач»93.

Выяснению вопроса о профессии врача у первых христиан может служить и катакомбная эпиграфика. Любопытна в этом отношении одна из намогильных надписей:


врач христианский, вместе и духовный» .

Эта новая черта, когда врач духовный и телесный совмещается в одном лице,

— у первых христиан не редкость. Священники и даже епископы занимались

врачеванием телесных недугов своих пасомых . И как это хорошо, не к язычникам же было тем идти! Но, понятно, духовные лица не брали на себя те разновидности медицинской деятельности, которые были несовместимы с их

саном .

На этом я историю медицины, поскольку она не противоречит заповедям Божьим, и кончу.

Но есть врачи и врачи. Их нельзя смешивать. Те имена врачей, которые я сейчас упоминал, святы. Их специальность не помешала им быть совершенными христианами. Однажды авве Антонию Великому даже было открыто Богом в пустыне: «Есть в городе (то есть в Александрии. — Еп. Варнава) некто подобный тебе, искусством — врач, который избытки свои отдает нуждающимся и

ежедневно поет с ангелами трисвятое . В Библии отличительным качест--48-

God-pleasing and God-fearing (cf. Exodus 1:21) physicians are that "they pray to the Lord that He would help them to give relief and healing to the sick for the continuation of life" (Sirach 38:14). But there are, as we have seen, other doctors who do not believe in God either, who do not care about the sick as brothers in Christ (for the sick are only "objects" of experience for them), doctors with whom even the world itself is indignant. It is clear that they cannot give any healing to the sick, but bring him – as a bleeding woman in the Gospel – "to an even worse condition" (Mark 5:26). There are exceptions only when the grace and Providence of God need to act for something through unworthy hands, that is, when the sick person himself is already praying to God for himself or the people around him are praying for him.

It is clear why modern doctors have failures. Doctors of the first kind do not heal themselves, but God heals through them. "We only lay hands on you," said Saints Cosmas and Damian to the sick in explanation of their actions and method of treatment, "but by our own power we can do nothing. All action is produced by the almighty power of Christ, the One True God, in Whom


you will believe without doubt, you will immediately recover..." And doctors of the second kind, not being conductors of the power of Christ, are helpless and completely depend on the notorious science, on the external circumstances that cause the patient's illness, on their own experience and ingenuity. They are now trying to "lay hands" (I mean treatment with hypnosis, hypnotic passes), but it would be better if they did not do this. It cannot be denied that they conduct a force in this process, but a demonic force.

That is why St. John Chrysostom so categorically, especially in the latter case, asserts about such doctors: "... only it seems that they are curing, but on the


in fact, they do not cure – not at all." But to say so, some will say, is to go against the obvious facts of the daily recovery of many thousands of patients thanks to existing hospitals and doctors? Alas, the latter do not all think so. In this regard, Dr. E. Vernadsky, who is not at all our supporter, says frankly: "There is a cure for diseases,