Volume-4 Fundamentals of the Art of Holiness

Thus, let us not be surprised and not believe, hearing how the demons were powerless to bring the saints out of the state of prayer, despite the fact that they used the most incredible methods. After all, we compare this with our own human nature, and the saints deified it. What do they say about themselves? "But we are the mind of Christ, imams" (1 Corinthians 2:16). Understand, then, O men, they have the mind of Christ, and therefore they are not scattered.


But let us not grumble, despair and be lazy. St. John Climacus acquired this Christ's mind in no other way than in the simple way he has just communicated to us. Let us follow it.

15. Feeling. This is a very important condition – that our prayer be inspired, prompt and profitable. But this quality in itself is already a gift of God, obtained by intensified and prolonged, fervent prayer. However, we must strive with all our efforts so that our prayer is accompanied by "reverence, contrition [of the heart] and spiritual pain in the confession of our falls, with silent sighs".55

Although we are not ascetics, in conclusion I will also mention the real demonic temptations that people encounter at prayer. For the enemy hates her more than anything in the world. In my opinion, the most effective and radical means for non-believers to know demons is to go to the cemetery at midnight (I even take a holy but solitary place; and not some swamp or thicket of forest) and stand up for prayer, of course, earnest, long and sincere, so that the demons see that this is not done out of curiosity. And then, depending on the feeling, such a person may even have to work for a short time before they come. I am only not sure whether they will not lose their minds after such an experience... So, I say, demons hate

prayer and in every way they try to drive the ascetic from it. Therefore, let a little be said about this. I will begin with invisible actions and end with visible manifestations.

1) "Some demons stir up laughter in us during prayer, in order to move God to be indignant at us," says St. John of the Ladder.56 Some urge us out of laziness to hurry when reading prayers and singing (sticheron, for example, in church), while others, on the contrary, urge us to sing more slowly... from self-gratification. Such is the cunning of demons! They can turn anywhere, now in one direction, in a minute in the opposite direction. And at the moment when a person thinks that the demons have departed and that he has a grace-filled tenderness from God, it is then that they tempt him and again and with greater force begin to imperceptibly attack him. And we do not even notice how we are being robbed by these invisible


thieves write down our sins in their charters in order to show us when after death we will go through the toll-houses..

2) Whoever cares with all his might to acquire a real, pure prayer "hears from the demons noise, and knocking, and voices, and curses, but he will not fall down and will not betray to them [his] thought (directed at the Invisible God and crying out), saying to God: I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me (Ps. 22:4), and the like.57 During such temptations, one should use a short and intensified prayer." (See paragraph 11 above.)

3) "If the demons threaten you, so that they suddenly appear in the air, they will smite and plunder your mind, or, like beasts, they will tear your body," says St. John.


Nilus of Sinai, "do not be afraid of them and do not care in the least about their threat, because they frighten you, tempting you, whether you pay full attention to them or completely neglect them."
