to the first edition

"Ascetic Sermon"

In 1863, some of my teachings were published. Here is offered a revised and enlarged collection of my teachings, conversations and words, pronounced and unspoken, written for reading in church and for reading in private. At the same time, their character became even more definite, and the title "Ascetic Sermon" turned out to be quite appropriate for them.

Those who have read the "Ascetic Experiments," which I wrote in the rank of archimandrite, will clearly see that the way of thinking set forth in the "Ascetic Sermon" naturally follows from monastic life and is inseparably connected with it. The sermon serves as a supplement to the description of the spiritual Christian feat, and significantly explains it. From this it does not at all follow that its reading is appropriate for monastics alone: it is appropriate for all Orthodox Christians who wish to become acquainted with the ascetic life according to the mind of the Holy Fathers, according to the mind of the Church.

Bishop Ignatius



произнесенная по прибытии к Епархии в Ставропольском кафедральном соборе,

5 января 1858 года

Мир граду сему! [1]

Произношу это приветствие, возлюбленные братия, по завещанию Господа моего, пришедши с посохом пастыря в богоспасаемый град Ставрополь, да проповедую и глаголю в сем граде и в окрестных градах и весях, яко приближися Царствие Небесное [2].

Царствие Небесное, Царствие Божие внутрь нас есть [3]. Царствие Небесное — мир Христов. В душе, в которой от покорности Богу утихли страсти, царствует Бог, царствует мир Христов.