«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

Trinity Leaflets

(spiritual and moral reading for the people, published at the end of the 19th century)

 № 1-50


1. A true lucky man. 2

How to find happiness? 4

2. A feast of faith. Christ is risen! 4

3. Good advice about the memory of death. 5

4. Trinity Day. 7

5. The Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos. 8

A terrible hour. 9

6. The divine example of prayer for enemies. 10

A formidable example of God's judgment on the hater. 10

A sign of true humility. 11

7. What is needed for salvation? 11

A sinner's word to Magdalene, weeping at the feet of Christ. 11

Magdalene's answer.. 12

And small sins are not small. 12

8. Ten bitter grapes of drunkenness. 12

9. The Mother of Mercy. 14

A vigilant guard. 15

10. Mercy for mercy. 15

About the Second Coming of Christ... 16

11. "Go, and you do the same." 17

Why is it necessary to repeat "Lord, have mercy" several times? 18

12. "Tomorrow I will come!". 18

A burning candle. 19

13. Commentary on "Lord, have mercy". 19

14. Wise advice to parents. 21

15. The participation of our venerable father Sergius in the events of 1380, which marked the beginning of the liberation of Russia from the Tatar yoke. 22

Visit to the Trinity Monastery by Grand Duke Dimitri Ivanovich before setting out on a campaign against the Horde Tsar Mamai. 22

The envoys of the Monk Sergius brought to the Great Prince Dimitri Ivanovich a consoling letter and a prosphora from the great elder. 24

Single combat of the schema-monk Alexander Peresvet with the Tatar bogatyr and the prayerful help of St. Sergius in the hour of battle. 24