«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

202. Psalm of Hope. Exposition of Psalm 90. 3

203. Why did the Lord not destroy death on earth? 4

204. What shortens our life? 6

205. The story of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk about himself. 8

206. Homesickness of captives. Exposition of Psalm 136. 9

207. Before Confession... 11

Prayer of St. Symeon the New Theologian. 12

208. Do not be afraid of a "rainy day"! 12

209. Without confession, repentance is incomplete. 14

210. The Greatness of the Sacrament of Holy Communion. 15

211. The Repentance of the Ninevites. 17

212. The Orthodox Church is the bride of Christ. 18

213. The Passion of Christ. 20

214. Psalm of Christ's Sorrows on the Cross. Exposition of Psalm 21. 21

215. The Descent of Christ the Savior into Hades. 23

Preaching of Christ the Savior in Hell. 24

216. Paschal Sermon of St. John Chrysostom. 25

How to spend Easter days? 25

217. Our love of sin. 26

218. Look around! 28

219. Humble Patience.. 29

220. The Holy Church is the helper of the farmer. 31

221. The Joy of Christ's Ascension. 33

222. Divine Service on the Day of Pentecost. 34

223. Brethren, let us have pity on those who sinn! 35

224. Grace-filled consolation for the afflicted. 37

225. The Sacred Song of the Mother of God. 39

226. The Nativity of the Forerunner of the Lord John. 40

The birthplace of John the Baptist. 41

227. Chrysostom's Praise of the Holy Apostle Paul. 41

228. Do not overlook (do not condemn) the virtue of others. 43

229. Without the fear of God one cannot refrain from sin. 44

230. Treasure, children, the blessing of your parents! 46

231. What Does Christ's Transfiguration Teach Us? 48

232. The joy of the Mother of God ascending to heaven. 49