«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

Priest Athanasius Gumerov, a monk of Sretensky Monastery  

The use of sedatives is not forbidden to a Christian. St. Barsanuphius writes: "Since we have not yet come to perfection in order to completely get rid of passions, it is better to study medicine than passion." (Barsanuphius the Great and John, A Guide to Spiritual Life, Answer to Question 324). Nervous diseases can be caused by various reasons: a sinful life, stress, an unhealthy lifestyle. In modern people, most often all these causes are combined. In our time, it is difficult to meet a person with a healthy nervous system. Therefore, in many cases, treatment is not only allowed, but also necessary. At the same time, you need to do everything to get away from the sources of the disease. It can be difficult to normalize external life. Spiritual means are quite accessible to us. Resorting to the help of medicine, we must remember that God is the Helper and Protector in all our affairs.

Is it necessary, or desirable, to have a spiritual guide for a deeper knowledge of the truth?

Priest Athanasius Gumerov, a monk of Sretensky Monastery  

In modern spiritual literature, this question is often solved in a simplified way. The need to have a spiritual father-mentor is unequivocally stated. The ideal is passed off as the norm. As a result, difficulties arise in the spiritual life. Accepting this categorical statement as the truth, a person begins to look for a spiritual father. Not finding him, he is discouraged. Doubts are gradually growing. It seems to him that his spiritual life is incomplete, and he is far from salvation. The other, having a resolute character, finds and persuades the priest to become his spiritual father. Seeing then some infirmities that are inevitable in every person, he begins to think that he hastened to make a choice. Since trust has been shaken, temptations arise. Of course, this does not always happen, but it is not so rare either.

How to avoid this? One must have constancy in everything and not introduce anything artificial into the spiritual life. If the Lord has brought you to a certain church, and you have become a parishioner of it, then do not look for another, for salvation depends on our inner life. The bond with the spiritual father will be established in accordance with the will of God when life gives birth to it. This should happen naturally. The best evidence that the relationship that has arisen was not born by chance is the real spiritual benefit that it brings. If such a connection has not arisen, then there is no need to be discouraged, nor to undertake special searches. Otherwise, a long walk through the parishes will begin. As a result, the peace of mind is lost. The best teacher is the Holy Gospel. Spiritual life is quite clear: to fulfill the Gospel commandments and to live in the grace-filled experience of the Church. If you have any questions, you can ask any experienced priest.

In our time, a priest in a parish or monastery is usually called a spiritual father, whose spiritual children confess more often than others, take a blessing before starting some work, and address spiritual or life questions. Acquaintance with the life of his children and personal closeness give him more opportunities to help those who consider him their spiritual father. As for spiritual guidance in the strict and precise sense, this is the business of a very few experienced priests, who must do it with extreme caution and humility.

Does apostasy bring trouble?

Hieromonk Job (Gumerov)  

To return to the Orthodox Church, you do not need to be baptized. This sacrament has already been performed on you. In order to restore one's membership in the Church, one must bring deep repentance during confession. Life's failures may well be related to the apostasy you have committed. Do not despair. The merciful Lord will forgive you. It is only necessary to bring sincere repentance and show the fruits of faith.

Why does "God resist the proud"?

Hieromonk Job (Gumerov)  

Likewise, the younger ones, obey the shepherds; yet, being subject to one another, clothe yourselves with humility, for God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble (1 Peter 5:5). St. The Apostle Peter proves the salvific nature of humility, despite the perniciousness of pride, as does the Holy Apostle James (4:6), by referring to the Proverbs of Solomon according to the Greek Bible (Proverbs 3:34). Since pride is the most dangerous spiritual ailment, God humbles such a person by allowing heavy temptations. They can be different for each person. Most often, it is proud people who become obsessed. "There is nothing worse than pride, which is why God constantly strikes it down by all means" (St. John Chrysostom).

Should a woman tolerate her husband's assault?