«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

Raskolnikov turned to her and looked at her with excitement: yes, it was so! She was already trembling all over in a real, real fever. He had expected it. She was approaching the word of the greatest and unheard-of miracle, and a feeling of great triumph seized her. Her voice rang like metal; triumph and joy resounded in him and strengthened him. The lines were mixed up in front of her, because her eyes were darkening, but she knew by heart what she was reading. At the last verse: "Could not this one, who opened the eyes of the blind man...", she, lowering her voice, fervently and passionately conveyed the doubt, reproach and blasphemy of the unbelievers, the blind Jews, who now, in a minute, as if struck by thunder, will fall, weep and believe... "And he, he's also blinded and unbelieving, he's going to hear now, he's going to believe, yes, yes! now, now," she dreamed, and she trembled with joyful anticipation.

"But Jesus, again grieving inwardly, comes to the tomb. It was a cave, and a stone lay on it. Jesus says, "Take away the stone." The sister of the deceased, Martha, said to Him: "Lord! already stinks; for four days have he been in the tomb." She struck the word "four" vigorously.

"Jesus said to her, 'Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God? So, they took away the stone from the cave where the deceased lay. And Jesus lifted up his eyes to heaven and said, "Father, I thank you that you have heard me." I knew that You would always hear Me; but I have said these things for the people standing here, that they may believe that you have sent me. And when he had said this, he cried out with a loud voice, Lazarus! Go away. And the dead man came out,

(she read loudly and enthusiastically, trembling and cold, as if she had seen it with her own eyes):

entwined hand and foot with funeral shrouds; and his face was bound with a handkerchief. Jesus said to them, "Loose him; Let him go.

Then many of the Jews who came to Mary and saw what Jesus had done, believed in him."

She did not read further and could not read, closed the book and quickly got up from her chair.

"All about the resurrection of Lazarus," she whispered abruptly and sternly, and stood motionless, turning aside, not daring and as if ashamed to raise her eyes to him."

The writer introduces one important autobiographical detail into the story: Raskolnikov sees the New Testament on Sonya's chest of drawers: "The book was old, second-hand, in a leather binding." F. Dostoevsky describes the New Testament that belonged to him, which was presented to him in Tobolsk on January 10, 1850 on the way to penal servitude by the wives of the Decembrists - P.E. Annenkova, A.G. Muravyova and N.D. Fonvizina. He read this holy Book constantly and carefully kept it until the end of his life. In Siberia, Fyodor Dostoevsky experienced a spiritual awakening. He was resurrected not only by the Word of God, but also by his meeting with these holy women, who lived according to the Gospel commandments of Christian love. F. Dostoevsky himself wrote about them: "The exiles of the old time (that is, not they, but their wives) took care of us as relatives. What wonderful souls, tested by 25 years of grief and selflessness. We saw them briefly, for we were strictly kept. But they sent us food, clothing, comforted and encouraged us" (PSS, Vol. 28, bk. 1, p. 169). Therefore, in the ideological and artistic composition of the novel, F. Dostoevsky assigns a central place to Sonya, who, like them, follows the unfortunate prisoner to Siberia to hard labor. It was her love for Raskolnikov, sublime and sacrificial, that gradually helped him to get out of the gloomy, soul-killing state of self-love and selflessly love another person. "They wanted to talk, but they couldn't. Tears stood in their eyes. They were both pale and thin; but in those sick and pale faces there was already the dawn of a renewed future, a complete resurrection into a new life. They were resurrected by love, the heart of one contained endless sources of life for the heart of another."

Через год и два месяца после завершения публикации романа «Преступление и наказание» у Федора Михайловича и Анны Григорьевны в феврале 1868 года родилась дочь. Ее назвали Соней.

Каково происхождение фразы: «Нет истины там, где нет любви»?

иеромонах Иов (Гумеров)  

Эти слова были высказаны А.С.

Они принесли бы истинную пользу, будучи представлены с большей искренностию и благоволением; ибо нет убедительности в поношениях, и нет истины, где нет любви . 3 апреля 1836 г. СПб.» (ПСС, т.7, Л., 1978. С. 246).