«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

Many will say to Me in that day, Lord! God! Did they not cast out demons in Thy name? and did not many miracles work in Thy name? And then I will declare to them, I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of iniquity.

It is clear, therefore, from this, Theodoulos, that it is not enough to cease to be demonic, but it is necessary to become God's.

Healer of the sick

The Sun of righteousness will rise, and healing will be in His rays. These are the words of the last Old Testament prophet, the angel-like Malachi; in this amazing image he predicted the Messiah as the healer of the sick and the bearer of health.

Here is joy, Theodoulos, here is the glad tidings! The Son of God appeared into the world as the true Theodoulos, in order to serve people as a healer of torments and illnesses, in order to take our infirmities and bear our illnesses, as the great prophet Isaiah foresaw.

There is no illness that does not flee from the rays of the Divine Being of Jesus – from the rays of His thoughts, from the rays of His touch, and not only from the touch of His hands, but also from His clothes. The rays of His being destroy all diseases in the sick person, from fever to leprosy, faster and more completely than the rays of the sun kill bacilli in the air or in the water. And not only did Jesus Himself have such unlimited power to immediately, effortlessly, and completely heal all diseases in people, but He has given such power to His apostles, apostolic successors, and all His true followers to this day. And they, His rays, are the apostles and all the faithful followers. Healing was, is, and will be in these rays of the Sun of Truth, shining over the whole world.

Amen, amen, I tell you, Theodoulos: the history of the non-Christian world has not recorded a single similar case. Neither India and China, nor Egypt and the Balkans. Amen, amen, I tell you, the history of the world has only two chapters: "Christianity" and "Non-Christianity," that is, "Healing" and "Sickness." But I must warn you privately that both you and I must look into our personal lives and see if in all our life on earth, yours and mine, there are not such two heads - non-Christian and Christian, Saul's and Paul's, Theodoulos? And if we see that there is, then let us hasten to beseech the holy Apostle Paul, once a prisoner of Christ, and now in heaven like the Cherubim, to beseech him for prayerful help before the Lord, so that until the end of our age you and I may be filled with fear of God and shame before men, and that the Lord may erase from His memory, and from His memory, and our non-Christian chapter of our lives.

Let us now follow the Physician, the all-powerful Healer, Who in His rays brings health to everyone who expects health from God.

And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every infirmity among the people.

И Он требовавших исцеления исцелял.

И великое множество народа стекалось к Нему слушать и врачеваться у Него от болезней своих.

Когда же сошел Он с горы, за Ним последовало множество народа. И вот подошел прокаженный и, кланяясь Ему, сказал: Господи! если хочешь, можешь меня очистить. Иисус, простерши руку, коснулся его и сказал: хочу, очистись. И он тотчас очистился от проказы.

В доме Петровом Иисус увидел тещу его, лежащую в горячке, и коснулся руки ее, и горячка оставила ее; и она встала и служила им.

Рукой касается Иисус прокаженного человека; за руку поднимает горящую в лихорадке женщину. Соприкосновение - это любовь. А любовь не боится и не брезгует. Не боится Иисус заразной болезни; не боится того, чтО Его боится. И не брезгует, как мать не брезгует безобразным чадом своим. Настоящая любовь не боится - даже смерти на Кресте и не брезгует - даже прокаженными телами.