«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

In the silence of the starry night, in the deaf silence of the underground cave, the Messiah, the Savior of the world, was born.

In the East, the stars seem closer to the earth and the spiritual light is felt more brightly by people than in the West.

From what seed was Christ born? If it is human, then He could not be the Savior of people and the Healer of the sick. After all, in the seed is blood, and in the blood is the soul. But the soul of man was smitten with evil, and from the evil soul was evil blood, evil and seed. The Creator produced the entire human race from one blood (cf. Acts 17:26). This means that all the seed of Adam in the blood of man was damaged and sick. A messiah who came from such a seed would be like a sick man going to a hospital to treat the sick and a madman going to an insane asylum to heal the insane. There were many such false messiahs in the world. Plague among plague people, they could be told: a doctor! heal yourself.

The Messiah must be healthy; no, not only by the healthy one, but by the very source of health. Neither in His blood nor in His soul can there be any perishable inheritance, no Adam's and Cain's burden of evil, crime, fratricide, lies and violence, no responsibility for parental and ancestral sins. From the spirit of His health diseases must disappear, from the purity of His soul unclean spirits must flee, the fragrance of His being must refresh the entire plague atmosphere into which He descended, bowing the heavens to earth.

From what seed was Christ, Theodoulos, born? Undoubtedly, from the inhuman and unearthly. Who among the earthly sick could understand and foresee this, according to the lazy human mind, if the heavenly evangelist Gabriel had not announced and explained this?

When the Holy Virgin was troubled at the appearance of the radiant Archangel of the Heavenly Army in Nazareth, in the house of the elder Joseph, Gabriel said to Her: "Do not be afraid, Mary, for Thou hast found grace with God; and behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bear a son, and shalt call his name Jesus. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Most High, and shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever, and his kingdom shall have no end.

And when the innocent and meek Mary childishly asked: "How will this be, when I do not know my husband?" The heavenly messenger answered Her: The Holy Spirit will come upon You, and the power of the Most High will overshadow You... With God, no word will remain powerless.

Did not all seeds, Theodoulos, both vegetable and animal, appear according to the word of God? The actual, primordial seed is the word of God. By the power of His word, the human seed also arose in the first man, the forefather of the human race, Adam. And God spoke, and it was so, is written on the first page of the Book of Life, the only one shining among the piles of gloomy, speckled papers.

So God said that the Holy Virgin Mary would give birth to Christ, and it was so. What can resist the word of God? Darkness could not resist it, when God said, "Let there be light," and light appeared. Nor could the earth resist it, when God commanded it to grow from itself herbs and grass with seed. Nor could the dark expanse of the universe resist him, when God said that the sun, moon, and stars should shine in these expanses. Neither the water nor the air dared to say "No" when God filled them with fish and birds. Nor did the earth revolt when the command of God thundered out of it for the beasts, and for all the cattle, and for the beasts of the earth after their kind; nor did the dust of the earth rise when the Artist of artists took it to create man, His highest creation on earth.

Truly, in the same way, nothing in heaven and on earth could resist the word of God, which commanded: "Let Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, be born of the Most-Pure Virgin Mary." And as soon as God said, it was like this. And Mary conceived according to the word of God, and bore a son, and called his name Jesus. Without the lust of the flesh and without the desire of a man, but from God.

O Theodoulos, what can a seed do without the power and will of God? Think how many people in the world do not give birth – not because of the impoverishment of seed, but because of the impoverishment of God's blessing, the lack of God's power. Would the Virgin Mary ever have been born of her aged parents Joachim and Anna without the power of the word of God? And would the great John the Baptist ever have come into the world from the old and withered body of Elizabeth without the power of the word of God? Never. And how many seeds in the fields remain barren without the word of God, without God's command? When God commands, then every seed, whether grass, animal, or human, bears fruit. And when God does not command, then every seed is in vain, and every sower is ashamed. And the seed, therefore, does not bear fruit without the word of God. And the word of God bears the desired fruit even without seed. The Word of God is mightier than any seed. For it alone can act without hindrance, both through the seed and without the seed. The Word of God is truly a seed that never remains barren.

And so, then, in the silence of one winter night, in the deaf silence of an underground cave, the Messiah, the Savior of the world, was born, according to the almighty word of God, from the Spirit of God and the Most-Pure Virgin Mary.

And this was in the time of the Roman Caesar Augustus, one of the "gods" of pagan Rome, when Syria was ruled by Quirinius, and Jerusalem was ruled by Herod the Bloody, the Edomite.

God from God