«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

Fate is not the meaningless samsara, the cycle of life, nor the merciless karma of India, which knows neither forgiveness nor the Forgiver. Both samsara and karma appeared according to the plan of the spirit of malice, a murderer from the beginning, perhaps the dancer Shiva, in order to obscure the Father of light and love from the intelligent eyes of men with these false concepts, like thick smoke. After all, there is no savior from either samsara or karma, since the gods themselves, according to Indian philosophy, rotate in their cycle, as with the ancient Greeks everything revolves on the spindle of Ananka.

Quite different is the Christian fate. And another thing is the book of the destinies of people and nations. This book is not held in the hands of a blindfolded Nemesis, but an all-seeing God - the Father of light, love, mercy and compassion. When a person comes to his senses and turns to repentance, He erases his "karma" and gives him an impulse for a new beginning, for a new life.

Alas, India does not yet know of God the Father, nor of the God of love, nor of the God of forgiveness, brighter than samsara and stronger than karma. It will be impossible to know about Him except through Him through Whom we, Christians, have learned about Him – His name is Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the sacrificial Lamb of God's love for the entire human race.


There are many sounds in the world, Theodoulos; they are innumerable. Our ear hears only a small part of them.

There are many colors and shapes in the world; indeed, they are innumerable. Our eye sees only a small part of them.

And there are many smells in the world; Who could ever count them? The human nose senses only a small part of them; Likewise, we feel only a small part of what we come into contact with.

The whole universe is buzzing with some kind of melody of sounds and notes without number, beyond our perception. Someone holds the universal organ in His hands, starts it at His will, listens and hears everything.

Our ear is not designed to perceive all sounds, but to discard almost all of them and perceive only a small part. And our eye is not made to discern all colors and all forms, but to limit our vision to a very modest measure. And our nose is not designed to smell all smells, but only some: either attractive or repulsive.

If man were given only a moment to hear all the sounds in the universe, and to see all the colors and shapes, and to smell all the smells, and to know all the invisible beings around him, all his senses would explode and he would go mad.

And what do you think would happen to a person if he were given to see into the future, into the future events and events of near and distant times, into the final drama of his life, or the lives of his relatives and friends, or his people, with all the cataclysms and horrors that must come? Truly, there are few people with a sufficiently strong mind and strong nerves who, seeing the bottomless abyss of horrors before them, would not become nervous or would not go mad.

Even beauty, which surpasses our ordinary experience, terrifies us, what then can we say about ugliness? The Prophet Daniel saw a beautiful Angel of God, clothed in linen clothes with a belt of pure gold. His body is like topaz, he says, his face is like lightning; his eyes are like burning lamps. What sublime beauty! But this beauty exceeds the usual human idea of beauty. That is why the clairvoyant was so much frightened by this manifestation of heavenly beauty; He says: there is no strength left in me, and the appearance of my face has changed enormously, there is no cheerfulness in me... in a daze I fell on my face and lay with my face to the ground (cf. Dan. 10:8, 9).

Saint Anthony the Great was vouchsafed by the feats of fasting, prayer and vigil to see invisible beings and spirits around him. And he told his disciples how great the number of evil spirits around a person, like a swarm of wasps, and how frighteningly ugly their appearance is. If the spiritual sight of an ordinary person, who had not been prepared by a long monastic feat, were suddenly opened, he would immediately go mad. Thus spoke Saint Anthony.

We know from experience that all those to whom any supernatural, i.e., supersensible, vision is revealed must suffer from it.