«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

He also said that He is life, not an unconscious and worthless life in Indian nirvana, not a terrible non-dying in Greek Hades, not the dissolution of personal life in the ephemeral existence of some universal ethereal Stoic deity, but precisely the life that every human heart longs for, under the wing of the Heavenly Father, in a sweet paradise where the righteous shine like the sun.

He also said that He was a shepherd. Wolves with a demonic spirit, but in human form, make their way into the shepherds of the peoples of the earth - not to save them, but to intimidate, suppress and tear them to pieces. And He, as a good shepherd, came not to lose His hundredth sheep, but to find and save it.

He also said that He was a physician and that He had come to the sick, and not to the healthy. In reality, there were no healthy people in the world, but there were many who were in a serious illness, and in their heated imagination imagined that they were healthy.

He also said that He was the Son of God, that He was older than the forefather Abraham, and that His name was the Beginning. He came to people as sent by His Heavenly Father, the only Living God, Who has fatherly love for people and wants through Him, His pre-eternal and Only-begotten Son, to adopt all people to Himself according to their faith and free will, and to lead them into His immortal Kingdom of Heaven.

He also said that everyone who believes in Him has eternal life; whoever receives Him, receives the Father who sent Him, and whoever follows Him, saves his soul. And whoever does not honor Him, does not honor His Father, for He says, I and the Father are one.

I and the Father are one.

As long as the light is with you, believe in the light, that you may be sons of light.

Without Me you can do nothing.

I am coming to You, Father.

Thou hast given Me power over all flesh.

All power in heaven and on earth has been given to Me.

This is the Messiah's testimony about Himself; testimony in words, fully and abundantly confirmed by His works.

Never in the history of the world has any man spoken with such power and authority as Him. And never from time immemorial has any man manifested such powerful deeds as Him.

Not an angel, not a man, but the Son of God and God from God. For if He had been an Angel, would the great Archangel Gabriel, the commander of the Angels, have come down from heaven to announce His birth? And if He had been a man, would John the Baptist, the greatest of men born of women, have been His Forerunner and servant?