P. Kalinovsky

It is easier to live without freedom. More and more people are willingly giving up their freedom in exchange for a comfortable and peaceful life. You don't need to make any decisions. Less responsibility, you can even transfer the upbringing of your own children to the hands of the state.

It is easy to live without being responsible for anything, but at the same time the most important thing is lost - life without responsibility is always unspiritual.

The moral level of many of our leaders and rulers is clearly declining. In a number of countries, people rule, whose main goal is to preserve and expand their power, and not the well-being of the population under their control. In the entire history of mankind, up to the twentieth century, there was no time when a dictator exterminated millions of the inhabitants of his own country by terror or artificially induced famine in order to consolidate his own power. The rulers of democratic countries, knowing and understanding what is happening, are mainly concerned with profitable deals with any regime. This order of things has become a habit and no one is surprised anymore.

Wars have become bloodier and more ruthless than before. Now they are bombing cities far from the front, destroying the entire population, including women and children. The military doctrine that says that it is necessary to break the morale of the enemy by destroying his civilian population was born in the XX century.

The appearance of the person himself is changing, the relationships between people and the people themselves are changing. Deep connections and understanding between men and women, between parents and children are lost.

The basis of a decent human life has always been the family. In our time, the family is rapidly collapsing. Frequent change of so-called "partners". Contraceptives from the age of 14. Abortion is perceived by society as something natural. A young married couple is in no hurry to have children: first you need to provide yourself with complete comfort, and children are a burden, new responsibilities, rather a difficulty than happiness and joy.

More and more men and women are gaining a rich experience of sexual intercourse, having never experienced the feeling of true love. You need to be able to get pleasure without binding yourself to any obligations. We stop respecting ourselves and others, even people close to us.

Our attitude to work and creativity is changing. More and more people do not like to work. Work, even creative, does not bring joy. Any effort is unpleasant and seems unnecessary. Life is reduced to a continuous pursuit of entertainment and the search for new sensations, even fleeting and worthless. However, life devoid of inner content turns out to be unnecessary and empty.

Of course, not everything on earth is bad, there is also good. There are many people who have found some kind of support and have maintained peace of mind. They live like human beings, work for the benefit of themselves and others. But there are fewer and fewer of them. A flood of filth, vice, indifference to good or evil is flooding our planet. With the magnificent flourishing of material opportunities, we live in an era of moral degeneration and loss of spirituality. Love, care for others, sincerity in relationships, honesty, and dignity of a person leave the world. Life becomes cold and lonely.

Why? What happened to people? Of course, it can be explained in different ways, but the main reason is obvious – it is the loss of faith in everything spiritual. If there is no immortal soul, no soul at all, but only a body, then what is the meaning of my life on earth?

Indeed, if with death my existence ends, so that there will be nothing more for me, nor for myself, then why plan anything, work, try to create something new and permanent? Why acquire new knowledge, cultivate new qualities in yourself, why think about the future at all? While there is still time, you need to take from life everything that it can give – you need to eat, drink, "love", achieve power and honor, and so on. One must not think about anything difficult and unpleasant, and, of course, do not allow thoughts of death. That's what many do.

The entertainment industry is in its heyday. There are more distractions and distractions of all kinds now than ever before. Maybe during the decline of the Roman Empire there were just as many.

However, this does not bring happiness, joy, peace and balance. Hence alcoholism, drug addiction, sophisticated debauchery, senseless crimes and suicides. And behind this is a deep instinctive fear of death – not to remember it, not to think about it.

It is still impossible not to think about the meaning of life at all. Everyone, at least sometimes, will ask himself the question: "Well, what next? How will it all end? A. my children? What kind of world will our children live in?"