P. Kalinovsky

This has always been taught by Christianity, but many, brought up from childhood on materialistic theories, are accustomed not to attach much importance to religion. Materialists have always opposed religion and science. And suddenly, over the past 15-20 years, science confirms what Christianity has always taught. .

New methods of resuscitation, that is, bringing recently deceased people back to life, have allowed medical scientists to lift the veil on the mystery of death and see a little more than was possible until now. It turned out that the death of the body is not the end of the existence of the personality. Some part of a person, call it whatever you want – "personality", "consciousness", "I", "soul", it's not about the name, leaves the dead body and continues to live in new conditions. The researchers were amazed by the results obtained and at first met them with bewilderment, almost with disbelief. But the new data were not the fruits of fantasy, but indisputable facts obtained by science.

The Christian teaching could be believed or not believed, the Christian way of life could be accepted or rejected and lived as it was more convenient. It will not be possible to do this with facts. You can turn away from them, but they will remain, and after a while the new knowledge will inevitably become the property of everyone.

Will it change anything? Each big discovery changed the way people lived in some way. The use of the power of steam, electricity, and the energy of the atom made life more convenient and comfortable. These were major discoveries in the material sphere, and now a new and great discovery has been made in the sphere of spiritual life. This happened just at a time when everything spiritual was humiliated, ridiculed and almost forgotten, and unbelief became common and habitual.

But now it becomes obvious that death is not the end of the existence of a person. My life on earth is only a part of my whole life, only the beginning of the development of my qualities and myself.

For the broad masses of modern people, these discoveries are so unexpected and huge that it will take time to understand and assimilate their significance. Probably, two or three generations should change. But the new knowledge is already with us, and it will definitely cover the whole world. Dead materialism is being replaced by a different, fuller and brighter understanding of the world and the fate of each person.

Since death is not the end, then the meaning of life on earth will be perceived differently by me, regardless of my will, even if I try not to think about it. The way of life on our planet will begin to change. People will become more responsible, they will be more attentive to themselves and others, and this will make our existence here cleaner and better.

The personality, our essential "I," continues to live on after the death of the body. The understanding of this primordial truth enters the world, and the sooner it becomes the property of all people, the better it will be for us and our children and grandchildren.

Chapter 1

At present, medical science is revising its traditional understanding of death. New data suggest that death is not the end of a person's life, but his transition to other conditions of existence. Most people of the twentieth century know very little about death. The unknown is frightening, and people try not to think about death, taking materialistic theories on faith. Materialistic theories about life and death. They are outdated and are being replaced by a new understanding. The universe is more than just matter. Who believes and who does not believe. Manifestation of the life of the spirit. After the death of the body, life continues.

Over the past 15-20 years, scientists studying the processes associated with dying and death have made many new discoveries, often completely unexpected and contrary to our usual views on life and death. At present, medical science is revising its old, traditional concepts, as new data show that death is not the end of the existence of a person, but his transition to new conditions of existence.

Most people of the twentieth century know very little about death, about how dying occurs and what will happen after it. They don't think about death. This may seem strange, since death is the most important event in the entire earthly life of a person, and nothing more definite and more final can happen to any of us. This is clear to everyone, and yet during our lives almost all of us live, as they say, day by day, and we do not think about death, or, perhaps, it would be more correct to say, we only try not to think, because somewhere in the depths there is always a sense of the inevitable and a vague anxiety.