P. Kalinovsky

The personality, our essential "I," continues to live on after the death of the body. The understanding of this primordial truth enters the world, and the sooner it becomes the property of all people, the better it will be for us and our children and grandchildren.

Chapter 1

At present, medical science is revising its traditional understanding of death. New data suggest that death is not the end of a person's life, but his transition to other conditions of existence. Most people of the twentieth century know very little about death. The unknown is frightening, and people try not to think about death, taking materialistic theories on faith. Materialistic theories about life and death. They are outdated and are being replaced by a new understanding. The universe is more than just matter. Who believes and who does not believe. Manifestation of the life of the spirit. After the death of the body, life continues.

Over the past 15-20 years, scientists studying the processes associated with dying and death have made many new discoveries, often completely unexpected and contrary to our usual views on life and death. At present, medical science is revising its old, traditional concepts, as new data show that death is not the end of the existence of a person, but his transition to new conditions of existence.

Most people of the twentieth century know very little about death, about how dying occurs and what will happen after it. They don't think about death. This may seem strange, since death is the most important event in the entire earthly life of a person, and nothing more definite and more final can happen to any of us. This is clear to everyone, and yet during our lives almost all of us live, as they say, day by day, and we do not think about death, or, perhaps, it would be more correct to say, we only try not to think, because somewhere in the depths there is always a sense of the inevitable and a vague anxiety.

The thought of death is difficult and unpleasant, so we try not to think. We are always busy, the day is full; You need to think about the future, achieve something, have time for something, finish something. And suddenly - death. All our plans and hopes immediately come to an end. It sometimes seems strange, incomprehensible and even illogical. How so? I haven't had time to do what I needed to do yet, and what if this happens?

We do not know death, and therefore we fear it, perhaps more than it deserves. First of all, what scares us the most? For many, death is a kind of dreamless sleep. I closed my eyes, fell asleep, and there was nothing else. Darkness. Only sleep will end in the morning, and death is forever. Of course, it is a pity and bitter to lose everything we love on earth, but this is more grief than fear. Many people are most afraid of the unknown, but what will happen to us? I am frightened by the feeling that something unknown will happen to me, independent of my desire, and I will not be able to do anything. So we try to forget that death is inevitable. Each of us will have to cross this threshold. And we do not think about the most important thing and do not prepare for it. It may be asked: "What to think about and what to prepare for? It does not depend on us. Our time will come - we will die and that's it. There is nothing to think about." Many people do so.

And yet, each of us sometimes comes up with other anxious thoughts: "What if this is not so? And what if death is not the end, and after the death of the body, I, unexpectedly for myself, suddenly find myself in completely new conditions, retaining the ability to see, hear and feel? And most importantly, what if our future beyond the threshold depends to some extent on how we lived our time and what we were like when we crossed the threshold of death?"

Believers have already thought about all this, and when their time comes, everything will probably be clearer to them than to the so-called unbelievers. And not only more understandable, but also easier. But everyone will have to cross this line, and many will meet what they do not expect and do not think about. If you try to talk about this topic with one of the "progressives", you will most likely hear:

One obvious incongruity immediately catches the eye. Man has a mind; When faced with a question, he will consider all the possibilities. It can happen this way, or it can happen otherwise. Even if the problem is very unimportant, a reasonable person will certainly discuss both possibilities. Why, when faced with this serious problem that is bound to arise for everyone, why do so many people act differently in this case?

Death is inevitable, and after it there are only two possibilities – complete nothingness or some kind of continuation of our existence. We have called this future existence a possibility, although now, after the new discoveries made by medical science, it would be more correct to call the post-mortem existence not a possibility, but a probability, or even an evidence. And how many people either did not think about it at all, or if they did, then not very seriously. This means that the point is not in faith, but in the fact that they are not familiar with the facts, with the pros and cons, and just so suddenly decided that "this cannot be."

Why, how does it happen that a person passes by the most important, important for himself and, without thinking, believes that everything is clear to him and there is nothing to think about? After all, the facts tell a different story, and if you pay attention to them, it will immediately become clear that such a question as our fate after death is not solved by itself.