- For what purpose do you usually use the Internet, what are you most often looking for?

- In addition to searching for news, I have several peculiar reasons to turn to the resources of the Internet.

Firstly, I believe that the Internet is an indispensable "inquisitor's weapon". When you need to get information about a person, publication, or center, you can find very interesting things with the help of the Internet.

For example, two years ago, many newspapers and magazines, including some church provincial publications, published information that in the city of Priozersk, local parishioners filed a lawsuit against the tax inspectorate regarding the introduction of tax numbers. The court ordered an independent scientific examination, which stated that there was a number of the beast in the barcode. From the very beginning, I was confused by the fact that the "independent secular expert" Alexei Ipatov was introduced as the "head of the laboratory of energy-informational influences". It was immediately clear that we were talking about a banal psychic, but I turned to the Internet and began to look for who it was. And it turned out that Ipatov's laboratory, in particular, was engaged in testing the hands of Alan Chumak and even found that his fingertips "emit energies unknown to science." A wonderful conclusion for a scientific laboratory!

The second motive for my immersion in the Internet is when there is a need to refute the lies about the Church that arise from time to time on some forums or sites. For example, now I am conducting a polemic on a normal scientific astronomical site on Copernicus, Giordano Bruno and Galileo.

And, finally, the third reason for turning to the Internet is the search for a backlash. Through the Internet, it is easy to find out what echo in the local press, on local forums remained after my arrival in a city, work in it.

Yes, and slowly I am starting to get used to electronic libraries. As a rule, I use them not for reading, but for the purpose of searching and copying a quote from a book that I have already read in paper form.

- And what is the attitude of the Patriarchate to the Internet and to the development of information technology in general?

- Well, the attitude is very peculiar... The fact is that when the Internet entered our lives – about eight years ago – this word was a dirty word in the church environment. And even in some near-Orthodox newspapers there appeared articles with titles like "Inter-teneta".

On the one hand, it was some quite reasonable caution in the face of everything new, and on the other hand, it was a reaction to the fact that the Internet has suffered the fate of any novelty: usually, various nimble businessmen and swindlers penetrate into all new cracks faster... And it is the fruits of their activities that you most quickly encounter on the Internet. At the first attempt to access the Internet, a beginner got to the most advertised, promoted, intrusive sites, that is, to pages. Then he would tell his classmates or fellow students about it; in the end, the information reached the parishes – and there was the impression that the Internet was just a dump in which there could be nothing but garbage.

The Internet is a world gossip. But in the end, there was always gossip. The Internet is good because it records and stores them. The other day I found gossip about me from Israel:

"As you know, EBN (Yeltsin) recently visited us here, in Jerusalem and Bethlehem. This shot was repeated several times on TV. EBN puts a candle in the church, his wife is next to him, and behind his back looms a certain clergyman, portly as it should be. When the candle was not placed at the EBN in any way, this very face leaned forward, pushed Naina aside, took the candle from the EBN and helped to adjust it so that it would hold. Well, the face and the face, slipped and disappeared, and only after 3-4 repetitions, (and this was repeated both in Israel and in Russia several times, after all, he was not in the church for long, and there was not much filming at all on this visit) I finally understood what kind of person was there behind the back of the EBN who took care of him on behalf of the Russian Orthodox Church. DEACON KURAEV. Don't be remembered by night. If I'm not mistaken, of course. Gentlemen, does this name mean anything to you? Well, Ray Bradbury had firefighters like that. In the old days, firefighters extinguished it, and these ones set fire to it and inflated it. So the Christian Kuraev is like that. His website, they say, has a password, for his own people, much cooler than RNE. After the fire, don't forget it, Russians! And on TV, it's a sign and a message, just like Machiavelli's book, no doubt. Rhetorical questions. Who put him in the delegation and slipped him under the camera? And who is this message for? Whether the grandfather knew (the question is unimportant). Do the dear gentlemen know that this deacon is rumored to be Zyuganov's paid consultant? And how to understand that Abramovich and BAB (Berezovsky) on the day of the Duma alliance hugged and voted for the Alyanets? And BAB was noticed long ago in shuttle contacts with Zyu? What happens - BAB, Abramovich, Zyuganov, Putin, Yeltsin, Kuraev, eh? BAB and KURAEV printed side by side look especially good, you don't think, aesthetically very fresh! Let's extend the chain a little more, BAB - Barkashov, even more piquant! Help yourself!" 281.

Steeply! I was not in Israel on the day of the arrival of the retired Yeltsin there. I have never met with Zyuganov and have not consulted the Communist Party, I do not maintain any secret website... But this is all prose. And why should it destroy such a wondrous flight of fantasizing gossip? This is how the Jews frighten themselves and each other with the global threats that they picture in their heads and then demand that they be treated as if they were really persecuted...