And one should not believe the usual explanation (for some reason the host of "Echo of Moscow" Andrei Cherkizov loves it very much) that, they say, Islam is active and aggressive because it is young. Like, teenage pranks. Islam is only 1400 years old. Christianity at a similar age, they say, was also not good.

This is only a semblance of culturology.

Firstly, such a thesis is humiliating for the Muslims themselves, because it declares them "backward". Here, they say, let's endure, they will develop to our level of civilization and become "also tolerant."

Secondly, Christianity has long been moving towards executions and wars carried out in the name of Christ. Islam from the very beginning, from the life of Mohammed himself, did not separate one from the other. Between the Sacrifice of Christ and the first plague in His name, three and a half centuries passed. The first execution of a heretic by the Orthodox falls on the year 385. The heretic Priscillian was put to death in Trier with six of his disciples. At the same time, "a loud cry of indignation was heard throughout Europe. Of the two bishops who persecuted Priscillius, one was expelled from his see, and the other himself retired. St. Martin of Tours, who did everything possible to prevent this cruel decision, refused to have communion not only with these bishops, but also with those who were in contact with them."18 And St. Ambrose of Milan excommunicated the persecutor Priscillian, the tyrant of Trier, Maximus.19

The sword lay at the cradle of Islam. It is stupid to deny this. It is better to think about how to blunt this sword, and even better – to discourage religious desire to use it.

And here is another reason for the responsibility of the entire Muslim world for its scum: a large part of the Muslim world considers terrorists not scum, but heroes.

So Yuli Kim is right:

Islam, Islam...

No matter how bitter it is for us,

But you are responsible for Beslan

And for the nightmare of New York.

The world of Islam is responsible for Islamic terrorism, if only by refusing to see its responsibility.

In the Italian newspaper La Stampa, it was not an Italian, but a Muslim, Ibrahim Refat, who wrote about this with bitterness: "The echo of the Beslan tragedy barely reaches the Arab world. He is almost inaudible. The news of the horrific number of victims left the front pages of newspapers and occupies only second place in the news after the traditional stories about ceremonies in the royal palaces. Contrary to what is happening in Europe, events like this massacre in Beslan do not really excite the consciousness of the masses. Of course, there have been some criticisms, such as those of Sheikh al-Azhar, a Sunni leader, who on Friday accused terrorists of using Islam as a cover. Yet Islamic scholars in recent days have been more preoccupied with issuing fatwas on the topic of whether or not Western hostages can be killed in Iraq. In the Arab and Islamic worlds, the majority still refuses to reflect and analyze what has happened. The only intellectual who broke the mutual cover-up was the director of the Al Arabiya channel, Abdel Rahman al-Rashed. In an article in the London-based Arabic newspaper Al-Sharq al-Awsat, he confessed: "Let's tell the bitter truth: all terrorists in the world are Muslims. We Muslims will not be able to whitewash our image if we do not recognize this shameful fact." However, such words go into the void, because Arab leaders will never recognize, any more than the Islamic clergy and intellectuals themselves will ever admit, that the evil lies in the fanaticism that corrodes Arab society. The elite, which still denies that 9/11 was orchestrated by the Arabs, cannot do so. And, therefore, the ordinary inhabitants of Middle Eastern cities, who have become accustomed to the manifestations of violence that leave an imprint on their daily life, do not recognize this either. The minds of these people are already saturated with the delusional speeches of imams, who call for the rejection of the "other", a non-Muslim, calling him simply an "infidel", a "kafir". And the Middle Eastern media, including state-owned, has in turn contributed to the expansion of this ethnocentrism by portraying the misadventures of Arabs and Muslims as the only form of injustice on this earth. In their opinion, the victims live only in Palestine, Iraq, Kashmir, and Chechnya. And the executioners, incited by the 'Zionists', live only in the West."20

Yes, today almost "all terrorists are Muslims" (today; 10 years ago this was not the case), but still not all Muslims are terrorists. And this should not be forgotten either. As well as the fact that there were many Muslims among the children who died in the Beslan school. That is why crosses and pillars coexist in the "school cemetery". From the point of view of the terrorists, the Beslan children were bad Muslims – non-Wahhabis (Wahhabism declares Muslims of other persuasions to be "infidels").