Wahhabis in Islam are the same as Baptists in Christian history. Baptism appeared 1600 years after the beginning of Christian preaching. Wahhabism is separated from the time of the Prophet's life by a distance of 1100 years. Both movements began their history with a very harsh, even insulting denunciation of the mass of their coreligionists: the Baptists criticized the Catholics and the Lutherans; Wahhabis – ordinary Sunnis and Shiites. The Baptists accused traditional Christians of idolatry (paganism). The Wahhabis applied the term that the Koran applies to pagans – shirk – applied to traditional Muslims (who had a cult of saints, dervishes, tombs of the righteous, holy springs, etc.). Both Baptists and Wahhabis entered the world with the slogan "to return to the Scriptures" and reject the later human traditions. In general, both are generally marginal, but both eventually subjugated the most influential states in their worlds: in the Islamic world, Saudi Arabia; in the Christian world, it is the United States. I emphasize: we are talking about the similarity of some features of their historical paths, but I am not saying that the ethics of the Baptists is identical with the ethics of the militant Wahhabis (although the American Baptists of the 18th and 19th centuries were tempted to declare war on the Indians as a religious one).

The spearhead of Wahhabism is directed primarily against Muslims. Look, all the countries where the Wahhabis arrange conflicts are inhabited mainly by Muslims.

In 1801, Wahhabi troops under the command of Sa'ud attacked Iraq. They captured the city of Carbella and killed all its inhabitants. Only a small number of them escaped. The Wahhabis destroyed the tomb of Hussein, the Prophet's grandson.

In 1802, a detachment of Wahhabis attacked the city of Taif, which is located near Mecca, at a distance of 70-80 km. Entering mosques, they killed even those who were caught praying. Babies were slaughtered on their mothers' breasts, and those who tried to escape were chased and killed. On the orders of the leader of this detachment, Uthman Muzayafi, the Wahhabis completely destroyed the tomb of the Prophet Ibn Abbas, a well-known companion in the Islamic world. To those who had taken refuge in the fortification, they promised not to touch them, on condition that they surrendered. But after they surrendered, the Wahhabis executed everyone, declaring that there could be no treaties with the polytheists (musrikins). In the fortress of Zawi Isa, 50 Muslims held the line. They were also insidiously deceived by promises not to touch them in the event of the surrender of the fortress. When they surrendered, they were taken to the gorge of Wazhong and, stripped naked, kept there for 13 days. Through hunger and torture, they were forced to accept Wahhabism.

In 1804, the Wahhabis surrounded Mecca. Within a year, they blocked all roads to the city. Famine broke out. And although the defenders of the city had to eat grass, cats and carrion, they were not going to surrender. In the following year, 1805, having increased their army to 30,000 people, the Wahhabis intensified the onslaught even more. Many people died of starvation. The corpses of children lay in the streets. Mecca surrendered.

In 1806, the Wahhabis captured Medina. In 1810, the Wahhabi army under the command of Saud's son Abdullah attacked Syria. Having captured the cities of Khavron, the Wahhabis exterminated many people, sparing neither children nor the elderly, took women prisoner, burned farms and villages.21

200 years have passed. The attitude of the Wahhabis towards Muslims of other trends has not changed. "In the course of counter-terrorism measures at the end of May this year, several ulema were arrested - Ali al-Khudeir, Ahmad al-Khalidi, Nasir al-Fahd. In the Saudi media, they are called the "Takfiri trinity" (salus takfiri) because they declared their co-religionists to be "infidels" (called takfir) who in some way deviated from what this "trinity" considers true Islam. And against the "infidels" (i.e., the Takfir Muslims, as well as all non-Muslims – Christians, Jews, etc.), they argued, armed jihad was mandatory."22 I note that these ulema waged this "jihad" on the territory of Saudi Arabia, blowing up houses with foreigners and regardless of the casualties among the Arab service personnel.

However, if there was a Wahhabi resident in the blown up house, this may not stop his co-religionists either: he will also be considered a shahid, although he did not expect his death that night. After all, "eight categories of people belong to the number of shahids: those who died of plague, abdominal diseases, pneumonia, childbirth, those who died in a fire, those who drowned, those buried under the ruins of collapsed buildings, and those who died for their faith."23

Fanaticism and insensitivity to someone else's misfortune are a disease of the Islamic world. But this illness of his turns into pain for us, his neighbors on the planet (and already on the street). That is why we have to awaken a sense of belonging, guilt and responsibility in Muslims. Islam is not to blame for terrorism, but for not being fierce enough to defend its holy site, the Koran, from fanatical interpretations.

And another fault of the Islamic world is that it allows itself to be used. It is not enough to say that the ideology of al-Qaeda was forged in Islamic universities. The order for this "forging" came from a region from which the Middle East is very far away. Therefore, you can hit Afghan caves, Iraqi houses and Chechen forests with missiles as much as you want, but this will not affect the brain that controls Islamic terrorism in the slightest, for the reason that this brain is located outside the Islamic world. I am convinced that the strategic planning of terrorist attacks carried out in the name of Islam is carried out in the Western world.

Forces that hate Muslims and Christians alike are trying to pit us against each other. No, don't think I'm going to talk about the Jews. To say that Israel controls Islamic terrorism is permissible only in an insane asylum. We are talking about the architects of the "new world order".

The "New World Order" is an amazing combination of previously unheard of freedom and previously unheard of control. In history, there have been islands of freedom and glaciers of tyranny. But for the other to coexist simultaneously and in relation to the same people – this has not yet happened. The new world of globalization provides people with absolute freedom in movement, in changing jobs, in business, in choosing a worldview, in determining their own lifestyle. There is a famous quote from Jacques Attali, who was the president of the World Bank in the early 90s, who said that the society of the future is a society of nomads, i.e. people who are not connected by family, religious, professional attachments, or roots, but, like money, move freely where it is more profitable, without having any addictions.

But all this is combined with absolute control over your every step and with the establishment of inevitable responsibility for wrong steps. Millions of surveillance cameras, constant electronic accounting of every purchase and every movement, tracking of telephone conversations, e-mails and contacts turn all residents of "civilized countries" into lifelong participants in the "reality show".

This turn marks a departure from the ideology that has guided the Western world for the past three centuries. The ideology of the Enlightenment and liberalism asserted that human rights are above all. Under the slogan of the "struggle for individual freedom," everything supra-individual was destroyed. This battering ram demolished the pillars of Christian society. The step-by-step nature of actions is well known to us: "We will destroy the whole world of violence, and then we will build ours, we will build a new world..." After replacing the old structures, it is time to think about fixing and perpetuating new ones.