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The story of this book is as follows

Answers to children's questions about God, the Church and faith in the modern world

The story of this book is as follows

We asked the students of one of the Moscow schools to write notes with questions for the priest and ask them about everything that interested them.

We gave these notes to Father Maxim Kozlov, and when the priest answered the questions, we saw that we were making a very interesting book. It tells about what happens in church, what Communion is made of, how to become a priest and how to behave as a priest's children, and when the end of the world will behave, and about what music you can listen to and what is better not to, and whether it is possible to bless the TV – and dozens and dozens of other questions that concern and interest many of you.

We called our book "Children's Catechism" because a catechism is a book that is also structured in the form of questions and answers. We hope that our book will be of interest not only to you and your friends, but also to your parents and grandparents.

Answers to children's questions about God, the Church and faith in the modern world

1. Who created God?

No one created God. For example, God created the world out of nothing – figure out how to create it out of nothing and who can do it, and the Lord has always existed, it is difficult to imagine it, you probably won't be able to do it, and neither can I, but that's how it is.

2. Where does God live?

Everywhere and nowhere. There is no such hut on chicken legs, there are no such royal chambers, there is no beggar's hut where the whole Lord would dwell. But there is no human heart that he cannot enter. So - everywhere and nowhere.

3. I have always been told that God has always existed. How can this be, since everything has a beginning?