Olivier Clément

The first face [of Scripture], its literal meaning, is rather bitter: it prescribes circumcision of the flesh, contains commands for sacrifices, and represents everything that means "killing letter." Reject it all like the bitter peel of an almond. Then you will reach the strength of the shell, which signifies moral teaching, the duty to rule over oneself: these things are necessary for the protection of what is stored inside, but they must be broken, and then the mysteries of the Wisdom and Omniscience of God will undoubtedly be revealed, locked and hidden under these shells, strengthening and nourishing the souls of the saints.

Throughout the Scriptures, this threefold mystery looms.


The Ninth Homilie on the Names.

Thus, gradually, from Origen to Cassian and Gregory the Great, the teaching about the four meanings of Scripture acquires clear outlines. Four, since the ethical meaning of Origen is often doubled, meaning not only the ascetic teaching of the Bible, but also the life of the Word of God in the soul. Hence, as Henri de Lubac brilliantly showed in Medieval Exegesis: The Four Senses of Scripture (Paris, 1959), there is a distinction between the historical or literal sense; allegorical, or typological; tropological, or ethical; anagogical, or mystical. Such a contemplative reading of the Bible was for a long time destined to nourish in the West a "spiritual theology" opposed to scholastic theology.

It happens that when you hear the Word, it touches the heart and embraces it. Then you need to stop and let this fire shine quietly.

When the word of the Lord embraces the one who hears it and awakens in him a passionate attraction to wisdom, which inflames the eye with all beauty, then the fire of the Lord descended upon him (Psalm 104:19).


Комментарий па Псалом. 104, 19.

Разумеется, нужно «стучать и искать», чтобы понять Писание, чтобы разгадать его исторические письмена, перевести их с архаического языка на современный. Это оправдывает применение научных методов герменевтики и экзегезы. Но наука не в состоянии даровать смысл. Если она захочет это сделать, результатом будет своего рода «контрабандная философия». Смысл открывается лишь молитве, и лишь молитве слезной.

Итак, вложи все твое усердие в чтение Писания с верой и с искренним прилежанием, угодным Богу. Недостаточно стучать и искать, но, чтобы стяжать понимание Божественных вещей, прежде всего потребна молитва.